Leapfrog Geo and Edge 2021.1 sees major enhancements to the Leapfrog engine – building upon previous releases to deliver powerful new features and functionality.
Ready to discover what’s new? Watch our new release webinar highlighting:
- Multiple drill data sets: The most major improvement to Leapfrog data management is here. You can now have multiple drill hole data sets in your project.
- Vein improvements: Experience fantastic new functionality with improvements to our vein tool.
- New Sub-blocked model format: Optimise efficiency with major reductions in processing times.
- Grouped mesh: You can use the new Grouped Mesh tool in the Combined Models folder
- Multiple deviation drill hole planner: Introducing a new tool to deliver more flexibility to the complex natural deviation or directed deviation of drillholes. Easily export as a set of interval tables, as a polyline, set of points, or as a drilling plan.
- Introducing the Geophysics extension for Leapfrog Geo: Seamlessly visualise, analyse and integrate different formats of geophysical data into Leapfrog’s intuitive workflows to refine and optimise geological interpretations.
- Plus, many more incremental improvements

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Presented by Anna Kutkiewicz, Senior Project Geologist at Seequent (12:46)