AGS Director and technical expert Toke Højbjerg Søltoft demonstrates some new and improved features in AGS Workbench 6.7.
The latest release of AGS Workbench provides improved interoperability between Oasis montaj and AGS Workbench. With support for the Oasis montaj GBD file format, now you can easily export data and results from AGS Workbench and import them into Oasis montaj, where you can view them alongside other geoscience data. Alternatively, you can import data directly from Oasis montaj for processing and inversion in AGS Workbench.
On this webinar Toke demonstrates this functionality and some of the other new and improved features that step-up visualization, yet again, including:
• Oasis montaj GDB support
• New Isoline tool
• Improved Views tool
• 3D Viewer performance improvement
Toke Højbjerg
28 minutes