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Resisting technology is now more work than embracing it.  Connecting remotely, processing huge data sets and communicating with wider groups of stakeholders – tasks that might have taken hours or days can now be done in minutes.   

So, with relentless improvements to efficiency, what’s holding companies back from embracing digital innovation?

Chief Commercial Officer of Microsoft’s Worldwide Energy & Resources Industry business, Uwa Airhiavbere, believes technology adoption comes down to how people perceive it and ensuring people and teams are brought on the journey early on. . .

New technology is not only about higher speed, it’s about higher quality results and better decision making, says Airhiavbere

“There’s also the idea of making higher quality decisions, because compute power is now broader and more scalable. Especially when you’re using a hyperscale Cloud like Azure,” says Airhiavbere.

The impressive successes of early adopters prove that switching to digital technology is a win-win – it’s lucrative, it’s more productive, and it leads to more informed decisions.

“Compute power is now broader and more scalable. Especially when you’re using a hyperscale cloud like Azure.”

Yet despite the benefits, this technology is still met with resistance.  How can your company embrace it, with confidence?

Find high value projects that will get quick wins and internal buy-in  

Airhiavbere partners with corporate leaders and teams across the energy and mining industries to implement digital tools.

“We call it tech intensity,” he says. “The ability to bring technology into the company, adopt that technology very quickly, and then use that technology to drive value in the company,” he explains.

His advice for choosing the right technology?

“Pick the outcome where you think digital transformation can drive the most change.”

“Because there are also people in the organisation who might be sceptical about digital transition. They need to see quick success and that helps to really drive change across the organisation,” he says.

The idea is simple – select areas where employees can save time and/or money.   

That’s why Seequent customers use Seequent Central.  Central allows teams to collaborate on building geoscience models, iterate ideas rapidly, and access a single source of truth for their projects – always maintaining one clear version of a file.

Teams feel the win instantly.

Seequent Central is a good example of technology that can be brought into the organisation and ramped up quickly, says Airhiavbere

Central project overview and version history

“We call it tech intensity, the ability to bring technology into the company, adopt that technology very quickly, and then use that technology to drive value in the company.”

The more powerful the impact, the more buy-in you’ll receive – so focus on a big win area.

Think broadly plan big 

A major advantage of digital tools is their flexibility to be applied across both departments and tasks. Take advantage of cascading wins by planning for those wins from the start.

“Don’t think of it like a little siloed project,” says Airhiavbere.

“Companies get stuck in this phase where they’re doing a lot of pilots, but they’re all siloed and it’s not possible to bring the value from all the pilots together.”

Keep up the momentum to get the most value from new technology. You should have a plan that rolls out the tools across teams or processes so that more people can experience the benefits, early on.

Teams collaborate on geoscience models

Make digital your competitive advantage

Besides your own time, cost, and frustration saved, consider how new digital tools and processes could appeal (or be sold) to prospective clients or stakeholders.

“Think of areas where the company thrives,” suggests Airhiavbere.

“Maybe there’s a process you have used internally. Can you leverage that technology to offer a solution to clients that would generate revenue for your company?”

Whether it’s winning new clients, assuring regulators, or creating new services, imagine how your tech can become a differentiator.

What technology can you use that would change the game outside of your immediate team or company?

Infuse digital from the top down

Technology isn’t a standalone item. It’s a part of doing business so leadership needs to strongly support digital initiatives.

“Whatever the mission of the company is or the goals of the company, infuse digital at the most basic level,”  Airhiavbere says.

When technology is embedded in your mission, it will become part of every initiative, team, and decision going forward. Keep it at your core.

Find trusted advisors 

You aren’t the first to struggle with getting buy-in on a new way of working.

Companies like Seequent and Microsoft can figure out your organisation’s challenges and meet customers halfway, helping them to accelerate their digital transformation journey, says Airhiavbere

Upskilling workers to get value from new technology?

Could your data be more accessible while ensuring you meet local legal regulations?

Reach out to trusted tech companies for their advice. They’ve likely helped others overcome similar barriers and, after all, your success helps their success. Don’t go it alone.

Uwa Airhiavbere
Managing Director, Microsoft’s Worldwide Energy Industry Practice