A short guide to dynamic validation of Geological models against the source drill data.
Results give a 3D representation of variance between model boundaries and logged contacts.
4 min

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<v Narrator>Hi,</v>
this video is going to take you through,
evaluating your geological model,
against the input drilling data.
The first step through this process,
is to take an evaluation of the geological model,
and copy it back onto your Drillhole data.
So in this case, I’m going to come to my Drillholes
up the top.
I’m going to right click,
and select new evaluation.
The model I will select,
is going to be my geological model,
and I can give it a column and table name,
and then click, Okay.
And now I have my new,
model evaluation table,
in my Drillholes.
If we open that up quickly,
we can see it gives you a from and to value,
and a geological code.
If we load this onto our screen,
and turn off our geology table and our model,
we can see,
is flagged out drilling for us.
So the next step is now to,
try and compare the input.
So the M geology table against the model evaluation table.
To do this,
we need to combine the two sets of data together,
which I’ll do in a merge table.
picking the strat column,
to the input data and the evaluation,
click okay.
And now I have a merge table.
If we look at this, you can see,
we now have our from to values,
and then a Strat column,
and a geological model,
coded column.
So the last step is to look at,
comparing these, and try to find out areas,
for example, here,
where there was a discrepancy between the two.
To do that, we’re going to use a filter.
So I’m going to right click on my merge table,
and create a new query filter.
Okay. Into the query builder,
and the advanced features.
So I’m going to write a query that asks,
to show me anywhere,
the Strat column,
does not equal,
the geological model.
I can check, that my query is written okay.
And then click okay to finish.
Give it to an appropriate name,
then click okay.
So if we now load our merge table onto the same view,
we can apply our query filter,
for the login versus model.
And here it shows all the intervals,
where the two do not match.
The next step would then be to go and investigate,
why these discrepancies exist.
As an example of how this table is dynamic,
we can go into the geological model here.
And one of the main causes will often be,
snapping to Drillholes.
So if we turn our snap to data on,
and click okay.
my geological model,
that update will now flow through,
to my evaluated tables and my merge tables.
And we will see the impact,
in the same view,
over now snapping to Drillholes.
So that you can see by snapping into Drillholes,
we’ve got rid of the majority of our differences,
and the ones that are remaining again,
we can go and investigate in more detail.
Thank you very much for watching.