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In this video we will show how to apply an economic composite to a sample database.

Economic compositing classifies assay data into “ore” and “waste” categories, taking into account grade thresholds, mining dimensions and allowable internal dilution


9 min

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Video Transcript

<v Narrator>Welcome to our bite-sized video</v>

on the economic compositing.

The short demonstration is designed to give you

an introduction to using the economic compositing tool.

For a detail review and guide,

we have a longer video available on our YouTube channel.

In Leapfrog, you have the option to composite drill holes.

Compositing is a process to reduce the variability

of sample sizes, that may exist in a database.

There are several reasons

why you may want to composite drill hole data,

and leapfrog provides different methods

to achieve the desired output.

For today’s video,

we are focusing on the economic composite tool.

The economic composite tool takes the raw assay data

and sets always rules based on run length grade

and internal dilution.

The output includes all waste categorical intervals,

as well as numeric composite intervals

based on a cutoff grade,

which can then be used to generate geological model volumes,

and used for statistical analysis and numeric modeling.

The aim is to create a reasonable mineralized envelope

from all intervals that have been generated

based on mine ability parameters,

in addition to a cutoff grade.

This is useful when geology is maybe poorly understood,

geology doesn’t control mineralization,

or when assay is the only information that is available.

So we’ll jump into leapfrog,

and we’ll start by having a look our assay data.

So here you can see one of our datasets,

where we’ve had a number of drill holes

intersecting mineralization.

In more advanced deposits,

you may know,

or want to evaluate

a number of mining in an economic parameters,

such as the impact of applying gray cutoffs

and minimum mining widths.

All compositing tools in leapfrog

can be found under the drill holes object,

in the composites folder.

Right click and will bring up the menu.

And then we can select the economic composite tool.

When you initially open the economic compositing tool,

there are a number of options available.

Firstly, you set the numeric value of interest.

In this case, we’re going to be looking today at zinc.

You can set rules for missing values.

You can either use a fixed value.

Sometimes things like half the detection limit,

or you can use an average of the enclosed intervals,

if your mineralization is more continuous.

In particularly nuggety deposits,

or ones with extreme outliers,

you can cap high grades as well.

Next, we have the compositing tab.

There are three composting types to choose from,

basic, advanced and advanced plus.

Basic uses a simple length weighted average,

and will tend to produce longer waste or composites.

The advanced and advanced plus

are generally more conservative,

in that they provide greater control

over waste dilution of ore.

For today’s exercise we’ll pick advanced.

For the cut off grade, the histogram can be used as a guide.

There’s an option to set a standard view or lock scale,

and you can also adjust the number of bins.

Depending on what you set your cut-off grade at

values greater than or equal to the cutoff grade

is considered ore and less than is considered waste.

For today’s analysis we will set the cutoff at five.

And for the minimum ore composite length,

we will set the value at five meters.

The minimum ore interval can be designed to meet

a predetermined mineable ore size

or other factors that you may need to consider.

Use true thickness setting can be applied when drilling

is a bleak to the major trend of mineralization,

which can result in some…

sample intervals becoming much longer than the true width

selecting this option requires composting algorithm.

To composite using true thickness,

measured perpendicular to a specified reference plane,

essentially weighting the value,

so as not to over-represent mineralized samples.

Max included waste is an optional threshold.

The constraints is the total length of waste

that can be accumulated within an ore composite.

Increasing this value will permit

greater dilution of ore with waste

before the candidate ore section will be rejected.

Max consecutive waste is an optional threshold for basic,

and advanced dilution rules,

but it is required for the advanced plus.

It constraints the length of the consecutive end force

classified as waste that can be considered

for addition to an old composite.

keep short high grade or composites is an option that allows

all composites less than the minimum length to be included.

This is provided at the minimum linear grade is exceeded.

Compositing direction,

just determines which way the algorithm runs

up or down the hole.

And when you use an advanced,

advanced plus, both is selected as default.

compositing twice,

will run the compositing process a second time

after the first pass,

which can sometimes help to smooth out and the results.

Once we’ve set a cut-off grade of 5%

and a minimum length of five,

I’m going to leave the other ones as default,

and we’ll just pick an appropriate name

for our composite table.

click okay and let this run.

Once this is processed,

we now have the new table in our composite folder.

If we double click to look at the table,

we can see it brings up an overview of the data available.

To quickly run through these,

status is the category, is defined as ore or waste

based on our parameters.

Using the same column gives you the weighted average grade

of that interval.

The true length is the linear length of that interval.

Linear grade is the average grade times by the true length.

The dilution true length,

is the total length of any diluting intervals.

i.e, intervals that fall below the cutoff we’ve specified.

Your dilution linear grade, is the weighted linear grade

below the cutoff material times by the length

and the percentage missing,

is the percentage of missing samples within the composite.

If we load, our composite table onto the scene,

we can turn off the assays, and have a look at the results.

So you can see we had the legend.

That the composting tool has gone through

and classified our drill holes

into waste in blue, and ore intervals in red.

If we turn off the waste,

we can start to get an idea of the trend,

and the direction of the mineralization.

To have a look at this in a bit more detail

what we’ll do is,

we’ll focus in on one particular drill hole.

If I click on my ore interval,

I get the same statistics that we looked at on the table.

So in this case,

I can see that my ore interval is 55.1 meters long

and average grade of 12.72%.

Within this ore interval, I have 2.5 meters of dilution,

and we can see that 2.5 meters is probably this

sample sits in here.

I can color this by the same discreet color map

to see what falls above and below.

We can then start to understand the impacts

of these decisions through numerical models

or use the category data to model domains.

For a reasonably complex topic.

This is a very brief overview.

As mentioned at the start of the video,

we have a more detailed discussion around the settings

and processes on our YouTube channel,

which I’d recommend you watch.

If this is something that may be of value to you.

Thanks very much for joining.