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This webinar will take you through the workflow for dam modeling and monitoring using Seequent solutions.

This webinar covers:
• Seequent company overview
• Dam project case study using Seequent solutions
• Demonstration in Leapfrog of the dam project
• Sharing results with Seequent Central



Gary Johnson
Customer Solutions Specialist – Seequent


26 min

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Video Transcript

(gentle piano music)

<v Mikayla>Hello everyone, and welcome to today’s webinar:</v>

Sequent Solutions for Dam Modeling and Monitoring.

I would now like to introduce Gary Johnson,

Sequent Customer Solutions Specialist,

and your main technical support resource.

Gary is located in our office in Broomfield, Colorado,

and has a geology background.

<v Gary>Thank you, Mikayla!</v>

For today’s webinar, I will first be giving you

a company overview of Sequent,

I will then be going through a PowerPoint presentation

on Sequent solutions for dam projects.

I will then jump in and pretty much show you

everything that I went over in the PowerPoint

within Leapfrog, giving you a live demo,

and then I’ll end by sharing my results

with Sequent Central,

our model management and collaboration solution.

At Sequent, our vision is to enable better decisions

about the earth, environment and energy challenges.

To give you a little bit of background

on Sequent’s company timeline,

I always find this very interesting,

is that Sequent actually originated as ARANZ,

or the Applied Research Association of New Zealand,

and we started with laser scanning technology,

which was used in “Lord of the Rings”.

We then applied that laser scanning technology

and the code base behind it

to start generating 3D geologic modeling solutions.

These 3D geologic modeling solutions

were used mostly in the mining industry

and in 2004, ARANZ Geo launched Leapfrog Mining.

Leapfrog Mining was then transitioned into Leapfrog Geo,

and in 2018 we acquired Geosoft,

and in 2019 we acquired GeoSlope.

So we are continuing to develop our solutions

and evolve the process,

from analysis to modeling, and everything in between.

Now, Sequent has an entire product portfolio

and you might be familiar

with one or two of these solutions,

but I think it’s important to note

that these all fall under the Sequent umbrella.

In this specific webinar,

we’ll actually be showcasing Oasis Montage,

which is a geo soft solution,

Sequent Central and to Leapfrog

and also Slope/W, which is a geo studio solution.

So we’ll be kind of bridging the gap

between the product portfolio

while demonstrating solutions

for dam monitoring and modeling.

We’ll first start up

by opening up the project within Sequent Central.

By publishing projects in Central,

our cloud-based model management solution,

you can maintain a clear, auditable, secure,

and organized project history.

Now, this can be great if you were working remotely,

it enhances teamwork and collaboration

while giving transparency through the project’s history.

It also allows you to maintain a digital twin in time,

which is very important for auditability process purposes.

Here, you can see an example of a project history

within Sequent Central.

What is Leapfrog?

So Leapfrog is an implicit 3D geological modeling solution

that is based on workflows

that allows you to quickly build models

from various different input sources.

Important thing to mention

is that Leapfrog is implicit by nature,

and it’s also dynamic,

which allows you to quickly update models

based on new information that you have gained,

whether this is new drilling information

and/or your actual input that can be applied to the model.

It is very easy to update and change the model through time.

For this case study, we will be using an earthen dam.

Here you can see an image of the earthen dam

that was actually rendered within Leapfrog.

This dam has a complex subsurface structure

and a few challenges involved,

that we use Leapfrog, Oasis Montage, and geo studio,

specifically Slope/W,

to both model and monitor the dam.

One of the huge advantages of using Leapfrog

in your modeling life cycle

and in the process of actually monitoring and modeling a dam

is the ability to create fast and dynamic cross-sections.

By dynamic,

we mean that these sections will automatically be updated

within Leapfrog

if you make any changes to the model themselves.

If you have an existing geologic model in Leapfrog,

these cross-sections can be created

within a matter of seconds.

And so this kind of rapidly speed up the process

while these sections might have historically been hand drawn

in the CAD environment, for example,

which might take hours to weeks

to actually go in and create,

we can create these very rapidly from an existing model.

These are also dynamically linked,

so any updates to the model in the Leapfrog modeling suite

will automatically be reflected in the cross-sections,

which can be a huge time-saving step.

These sections can then be imported

into the geo studio environment

for geotechnical analysis.

On the left here,

you can see an imported section

that actually was created in Leapfrog.

When these are imported into geo studio,

they actually retain the material colors and the boundaries,

which can be a huge facilitator.

And after you have actually run your geo-technical analysis,

these can be imported back into Leapfrog,

as you can see on the right,

and this can be very beneficial

to maintain all of your data in a single space

while also visualizing your slope or seat analysis

in the 3D environment.

Now I know I’ve mentioned a few times

that Leapfrog is dynamic,

and so some of the benefits in dam monitoring

can be the ability to monitor water level changes

through time.

Here you can see we have different color codes

assigned to different weeks,

allowing us to visualize water level changes through time.

It’s also important to mention

that these water level surfaces

can be evaluated onto cross-sections

and included in your exports to geo studio.

Now, due to the sensitivity of structures, such as dams,

direct investigations like four holes or drill holes

are often not applicable and/or possible,

and so very often geophysical studies are conducted.

In this case study,

we actually use an electrical resistivity campaign,

and this specific image that you’re seeing on this slide

is actually the electrical resistivity

derived in Oasis Montage.

Now these are 2D grids that were then exported

from Oasis Montage, and then imported into Leapfrog.

These 2D grids were imported into Leapfrog

in the form of point cloud,

and they were integrated

with all of the data associated with the project.

So not only do you maintain all of the data

in a single environment,

but it allows you to visualize different aspects of that

together at once.

So here we have the geologic model,

we also have the electrical resistivity 2D grids,

imported in Leapfrog,

and for this specific example,

these 2D grids, the geophysical survey,

allowed us to identify a potential fault or fracture zone.

And we actually were able to confirm this

both at the site and by using geophysical surveys,

such as the electrical resistivity campaign conducted here.

Now, this is extremely important to understand

at a site such as a dam,

because this could be a potential zone of seepage,

which is important to both monitor through time

and to be able to model, to visualize and to communicate

those challenges to everyone involved in the project.

Now from the 2D grids,

or the point clouds that were imported into Leapfrog,

we’re actually able to generate a 3D numeric model

of the resistivity values.

Now, I really liked this quote,

and I think it’s always important to mention

that there’s nothing more heterogeneous

than a homogeneous soil.

And this is always important to take into consideration

when you’re doing any type of dam monitoring.

Now at the end of the project’s life cycle,

this often comes time for reporting.

One of the very useful reporting tools

that we have in Leapfrog

is the ability to make dynamic section layouts.

These can be exported as a PDF and included in reports.

Now these section layouts that are within Leapfrog

are dynamic in nature, as well,

so any changes to the model themselves,

any new data that you do collect,

will automatically be reflected and updated

in the section layouts too.

This can be a huge time saving step

where you might’ve been hand drawing sections previously,

using a multitude of different programs,

this can all be done within the Leapfrog modeling suite.

So now I will jump into the Leapfrog modeling suite

to actually go through a live demo

and show you some of the images that we have shown you here

within the actual software.

So now we’ve opened up Leapfrog Works,

and we have the dam project

that we were just visualizing in the PowerPoint,

here in the 3D scene.

For those of you who might be new to Leapfrog,

just a brief rundown of the user interface.

We have the project tree here on the left,

which is designed in a top-down approach,

which is meant to match your workflow,

as Leapfrog is a workflow orientated solution.

We also then have the 3D scene here in the middle,

where you can interact with objects in 3D,

and you can just drag and drop things

from the project tree into the scene.

Now, everything that has been displayed in the scene

is also then listed down here in the shape list.

The shape list at the bottom

contains your different visualization settings

and is an important location for, for example,

turning things on and off

and/or determining how you want to visualize things

in the 3D scene.

Here, I have created a few different saved scenes,

which act as bookmarks,

which I will be running through

for the purpose of this webinar.

This is a great way to retain certain perspectives

on different objects

and/or to tell a story

without having to bring multiple different objects

into the scene.

Now, one of the most important things

that I’ve mentioned throughout this webinar so far

is that Leapfrog is dynamic by nature.

Meaning that any changes to the data used in the project

will automatically be reflected throughout.

For example, here we have a water level

that is tied to some tensometer data,

tensometer data can be points downhole,

this can also be borehole intervals.

In this case, if we collect a new tensometer data,

whether this is in the dam itself or surrounding the dam,

we can actually see,

and the model would automatically reflect those changes.

So the water level surface would automatically reprocess

to demonstrate and to take into account

the new data that we have added or collected.

You can also imply, or apply, different times to this.

So if you have different water level surfaces

for different dates,

this is a great way to just visualize

how that is changing through time.

We know that understanding water levels

within an earthen dam structure

is essential to monitoring the dam itself

and any potential seepage.

Leapfrog also allows you to obtain cross-sections

in any direction that you would like.

For example,

I will demonstrate this by first rotating around the model,

I will then grab the slicing tool up here at the top,

which looks like a knife with a green line,

and I’m going to cut right down the dam axis.

I’ve now cut a cross-section right along the dam axis,

but as I mentioned,

you can take these in any direction that you would like.

If I want to go horizontal to the dam,

I can do that as well.

And you can use these orientations

to actually generate cross-sections,

which I’ll demonstrate momentarily.

Now we can also create numeric models

and we’ve demonstrated in the PowerPoint

that we have the geophysical survey,

but here we have some CPTU data

that was conducted on the dam beach.

And I know I mentioned

that there’s nothing more heterogeneous

than a homogeneous soil,

and this is a great time to actually go in and monitor that.

So I’ll go in and cut another slice

just to demonstrate the different soil properties

in the tailings beach.

And here we can see

that we have created a domain numeric model,

specifically in the tailings beach.

This demonstrates very clearly

that this soil is heterogeneous.

And while the assumption can be made,

or has probably been made when this was placed here,

that this was homogeneous, this is not the case.

And this is very important to understand

for potential seepage purposes.

Now in addition to the domain CPTU tests

that we have created here,

we also have conducted an electrical resistivity campaign

at this project site.

Here we can see that we have all of our data in one space,

we have the electrical resistivity, 2D grids,

as well as our geologic model.

And we’ve also actually gone in and created a fault,

which, this fault was actually created

using knowledge we had gained from both onsite observations,

as well as the geo physical survey that was conducted.

Now, if I click on this fault structure,

I could turn that off real quick,

and we can see that there is a very clear

fault or fracture zone indicated on the geophysical survey,

which is essential to understanding potential seepage issues

at this dam site.

Now from the 2D grids that we have collected

at this case study,

we can actually create a 3D model

of the numeric data within Leapfrog.

So this 3D model that we were now seeing here

was collected directly from the numeric data

that was imported into Leapfrog from Oasis Montage.

Now there’s a variety of different applications

for numeric models in Leapfrog,

whether this is a permeability model,

in this case, an electrical resistivity model,

but there’s a lot that you can do with these in Leapfrog,

such as evaluating these onto cross-sections

and/or determining actual volumes of material

that might be over or under a certain interval.

Now, one of the areas where we can save you the most time

in your dam monitoring and modeling workflow

is by creating very quick and rapid dynamic cross-sections

within Leapfrog.

So here I have a saved scene with the geologic model

and the slicing tool applied,

and I’m going to show you

how quick we can make a cross-section within Leapfrog.

Now, everything in Leapfrog,

all of the edits are done within the project tree.

Everything that can be created can be done

by just right-clicking on a folder in Leapfrog,

so for example,

here we’re going to be making a cross-section,

so I’ll want to right-click

on the “Cross-sections and Contours” folder,

and for this example, I’ll be making a new cross-section.

Now you can see on the section that we have an F and a B,

and this actually corresponds to the Front and the Back

of the section.

So right now I have the F facing me,

this will be the front of the section, and that is correct.

Now if you ever had the B facing you

and you wanted that to be the front,

you can just choose to swap the front.

This looks good as is,

and I’m going to name this “Webinar Section”,

and I’m going to go ahead and press okay.

Now if I clear the scene

and bring the webinar section into the scene,

we just have the geometry of that section created.

Now we actually want to go in

and evaluate our model onto that.

So I’m going to right-click on Webinar Section

and choose Evaluations.

And I’m going to choose the dam structure geologic model

that we have created,

and I’m going to go ahead and press okay.

Now the model has evaluated onto the cross-section

and using the display tools in the dropdown options,

we can actually apply the model structure to that.

So in a matter of seconds,

we have now created a cross-section

from the existing geologic model.

This section can, of course, be exported,

and if we right-click on the cross-section

down at the bottom here,

we can choose to export this

in a variety of very common export formats,

such as a DXF, a DWG or a DGM.

Now if you were going to be running slope stability,

or seep analysis on the section,

you can choose to do 2D analysis

and flatten the section to 2D.

Now these can then be brought into

a multitude of different programs,

specifically, in this case,

we brought this section into geo studio, in Slope/W,

to run a slope stability analysis.

You can also choose to evaluate surfaces onto the section,

for example,

you might want to evaluate a water level surface

onto this section as well.

Now after that had been exported to Slope/W

and the geo-technical analysis was conducted,

that can also then be re-imported

back into the cross-sections and contours folder

by right-clicking

and importing a new cross-section from image.

Here we have imported that section back in

after running the analysis, which you can see here,

and we have combined this in the Leapfrog 3D scene

with the geologic model.

And this is essential to show

that you can then bring everything back into the same space

to not only analyze your geologic model,

but also the slope stability analysis

that you have run in the 3D environment.

By bringing in the slope stability analysis,

we have completed the workflow.

We can now see everything

in the Leapfrog modeling environment

from geophysical data and a numeric model

to a geologic model, cross-sections,

and then our geo-technical analysis

that has then been applied to those cross-sections.

Now, how do you communicate the challenges or the risks

involved with monitoring and modeling a dam?

For that, of course, you can export cross-sections

from Leapfrog in common format, such as a PDF,

which can be included on a report,

but we have also created Sequent Central,

which is our cloud-based model management

and collaboration solution,

which allows me to share work in 3D

with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders,

as well as it allows you to create conversations

and to communicate risks involved in 3D.

So I will now jump into our Central browser.

The Central browser allows you to see the objects in 3D,

it allows you to interact with them as well,

but you don’t actually have the ability

to go in and edit anything.

So this is a great way to share your work with stakeholders

and/or project managers,

and to keep others involved in the project,

though they might not actually be involved

in the 3D modeling process.

Now on the right here,

you can see that I’ve created annotations,

anyone who is also on the Central server,

who you have added to it

and given them permission to this project

can also add or reply directly to comments

that you have created.

Now, something cool that I’ve done here

is that I’ve also created geotags

so that you can tell a story

and focus the conversation on a single location.

So these geotags

will actually bring you directly to that perspective.

If I click on one of the comments,

it’ll take me directly to the location

where I first saved that comment and made some annotations.

This is a great way to communicate challenges

and/or identify potential areas of interest

within your project,

while also maintaining a clear auditable history

of that project.

Now, this is essential for dam monitoring

because we all know the risks involved

in creating a dam of any type,

whether this is a tailings dam

for the mining and mineral industry,

and/or a dam for water resources,

which is supplying water to individuals, such as myself.

Dam failure can be catastrophic

and ensuring dam safety is one of the most important things,

if not by far the most important

in a dam projects life cycle,

everything from design phase to the actual monitoring phase

after the dam has been constructed.

<v Mikayla>Thank you Gary,</v>

and thank you everyone for attending today’s webinar.

If you have any other questions,

please contact our technical support team

at [email protected]

On behalf of Sequent,

thank you for joining us and have a great rest of your day.