Lyceum 2021 | Together Towards Tomorrow
Ruden AS has developed an innovative method that uses existing data and technology from the oil industry, combined with applied hydrogeology to search for water in regions of water scarcity.
This is known as the Search Model. Helene will present about a project commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which the Search Model has been successfully applied in Tanzania and used to discover freshwater indications in Somalia.
Helene Ree Ruden
CFO & Project Manager, Ruden AS
20 min

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(relaxed electronic music)
<v ->My name is Helena Ree,</v>
and I work for a company called Ruden AS from Norway.
Thank you so much Seequent and Lyceum for having me here,
I’m very excited to share this exciting project with you
on how we use data and technology
to identify until now hidden,
deep, fresh groundwater resources.
This presentation will take you through
how we work with old and new data to do this work.
The oil industry and hydrogeology have many common features,
but they have been separated for a long time,
and in Ruden we think it’s a shame
not to use this valuable data from the oil industry
for the greater good.
So we combine these two
by taking competence and information from the oil industry
to get a better understanding of the subsurface
and the resources currently present there.
So by recycling technology,
data and competence from the oil industry,
this enables us to look for other resources than oil.
This is a quick overview
of the water scarcity situation in the world today,
and please have a specific look
at the African continent and its neighboring countries
where the vulnerability is higher
and the lack of resilience is greater
than any other place in the world today.
And when we add something called passive margins,
which is large thicknesses of sediments,
where vast amounts of fresh water can be stored.
You can see this applies
to most coastal countries in the world.
And when you look at the water scarcity map in the back
combined with this passive margins,
our attention was specifically brought
to the horn of Africa and East of Africa.
So, with our current access
to some of this geological data
and the combining this
with the desperate need of water in this region,
our attention was brought to this part of the world.
In 2007, our idea was born.
We started looking at seismic lines
from sixties and seventies to conceptually test our idea.
This cross section you see top right
is based on interpretation from seismics,
more than 1000 kilometers of seismic survey data,
borehole logs and completion reports
from previous oil exploration activities in East Africa.
We decided to test this conceptual model
and found funding to execute this project in Tanzania.
In this project we also heavily lean on
competence and technology from the oil sector.
This rig you see in the picture
is taken from an onshore oil exploration field.
We completed borehole geophysical logging,
also a technique taken from the oil sector,
and the result of this specific execution in Tanzania
were also the water was tested and sampled
by the local authorities to make sure the water was fresh.
The result and impact of what was initially an idea,
it’s now a sustainable water capacity
for a population of more than 1.2 million people.
This workflow was set into a system
where we like to call this a search model.
So it’s like a recipe for identifying
deep groundwater based on oil data.
We do literature review, seismic interpretation
and well log interpretation,
and all of these activities form the base
for what we call the search model,
to enable us to identify all this fresh water.
As you can imagine, we in Ruden,
we employ people from both the oil sector
and the more traditional water and hydrogeology sector
to make sure this puzzle is figured out.
We presented our idea of our knowledge
on the current geological settings in Somalia,
it’s quite similar to that in Tanzania,
and we presented the Tanzania project
to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
And we created a project that is today led by Ruden
and it’s funded by
the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
and of course the beneficiary of this project
is the Somalia population.
We have a fantastic extended team project and contributors.
We have Petrel from Schlumberger,
we have Leapfrog from Seequent,
we have lots of data from Swalim,
which is Somalian Water and Land Information Management.
We have researchers from Oxford University
and also data and software competence
locally here in Norway from Sintef.
So we are now building a conceptual model of Somalia,
and this is the first time in history
where satellite data and geological data
has been interpreted and integrated
into one big geological model.
And we use the satellite data to understand
the volumes that goes into this aquifer system,
and we use the geological data
to understand more about the behavior of the water
and where is it stored.
So the output of this conceptual model
is this beauty to the right,
which is a geological model
that integrates seismics, wells data, literature,
and part of this integration
is done by Leapfrog from Seequent.
And just to make sure you see the whole picture,
this geological model you see here
is the whole nation of Somalia.
So it’s an enormously big,
enormous model, very high resolution,
and this has to our knowledge never been done before.
And this geological model has already given us,
we have already found indications of freshwater,
we have already proposed eight drilling sites
and 40 information targets.
This is our contribution,
and thanks to software like Leapfrog
we are able to explore where no one has looked before.
Thank you.
(dramatic electronic music)
(logo whooshing)