Leapfrog Geo helps users maximise the value of blast hole drilling to efficiently update their models with accurate contact observations prior to blasting. By leveraging blasthole mapping, production geologists can increase recoveries and influence blast-master design.
In this webinar, we will showcase Leapfrog Geo workflows that can assist production geologists with their grade control workflows by using existing data to achieve better outcomes.
Blast hole drilling presents the final opportunity to observe a pre-blast contact on a production bench.
Often, production scheduling and plant throughput requirements mean blast hole mapping isn’t leveraged sufficiently to refine an ore contact, resulting in increased dilution through uninformed digblock design. The flow-on affect is often lower than expected recovery and a cycle of poor reconciliation.
But, by extracting the value of blast hole mapping using Leapfrog and refining mineralisation contacts prior to blasting, users can refine blast master design to achieve better production outcomes.
Join Project Geologist, Shaun Davis, in this webinar to see how.
Shaun Davis, P