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Turn complex data into clear, easy to interpret visualisations.

Leapfrog Works helps you visualise and understand your data so you can communicate risks with stakeholders of all technical levels – and make better decisions on all your civil engineering and environmental projects.

In this webinar, we will:

  • Explore the Leapfrog Works interface
  • Import an array of data types (including imports from Central Seequent’s cloud-based model management solution)
  • Build a geological model utilizing drilling data
  • Quickly validate a first pass build of a geologic model
  • Quantify lithologic volumes
  • Generate cross sections along an alignment
  • Export compatible data types to be used in programs such as GeoStudio

Presenter: Sean Buchanan – Project Geologist, Denver, CO
Sean Buchanan is a Professional Geologist with a BSc in Geology from the University of North Carolina Wilmington.
Sean spent two years as a wellsite geologist in the Permian Basin before joining AECOM. While in consulting, Sean supported a large-scale hydrogeologic characterization at an active coal-burning power generation facility, as well as a handful of chlorinated solvent sites.

Sean is currently a Project Geologist at Seequent, where he works closely with business, sales, marketing, and technical teams to provide high quality solutions for geoscience professionals.



Sean Buchanan 
Project Geologist – Seequent


55 min

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Video Transcript

(soft music)

<v Sean>Hi guys, and welcome to today’s webinar</v>

on building 3D geological models within Leapfrog Works.

My name is Sean Buchanan,

a project geologists out of Denver, Colorado.

Today we’re going to be building an earthen dam

or embankment dam site, mainly utilizing drilling data.

Here’s a look at our agenda for today.

So first I’ll be briefly discussing

the Leapfrog Works interface to get you oriented.

I’ll then introduce the sites

and completed first pass model,

so you can see what we’ll be building today.

I’ll then start a brand new project and start importing data

from local files as well as Central,

which is sequence cloud based model management solution.

We’ll then get into building out our geological model,

utilizing an array of geologic surface types.

After that model is complete,

we will do some model validation

and check our model against our borings.

Finally, we will generate cross sections along an alignment

and look at some of those data output types.

So this is a lot really trying to give you as much exposure

as possible looking into Leapfrog.

So after that, we will finish with a live Q and A,

but please feel free to ask any questions

during the webinar.

We’ll either address them then and there,

or we’ll bring them to the live Q and A to talk about.

So thanks again for joining

and we’ll go ahead and get started.

This is the Leapfrog Works interface.

On the left-hand side, we have our project tree

and this is where all of our data lives.

The right click is very powerful in Leapfrog,

so if you want to import data,

you can just right click on one of these folders,

it will give you an array of data types to choose from.

This was built in a workflow oriented design.

So at the top, we can see we have topography, GIS data,

boreholes, followed by design files and so on and so forth.

In the middle of our project tree,

we have some of our model functionality,

so we can create geologic numeric or combined models.

At the bottom is some of our recording features.

So creating safe scenes in movies,

or cross sections in contours.

To the right of this project tree we have our scene view.

So I could pull over any data from my project tree

and view that in the scene.

So I just pulled in my boring data.

I can make this a little easier to view

by changing my Z scale.

So I can go to the bottom right-hand corner,

change my Z scale vertical exaggeration to two.

Underneath my scene view, I have my shapes list.

Whatever’s in my scene view is going to be populated,

in my shapes list as well.

There’s more functionality here

so I can turn things on or off, change the transparency.

I can change the width of my boreholes,

change the colors of certain attributes.

To the right of this,

I’m going to have a small properties panel.

So whatever I click on in my shapes list

is going to give me some new functionality down here.

So if I had a query filter, I can add those,

change the line radius.

These will all be different

depending on what object is in the scene.

So I can see my topo has some different customization tools

than my borehole file does.

At the top of my screen I have a toolbar

which has some pretty handy functionality.

I do have a ruler, so I can measure between borings.

I have a plane tool, so I can create planes,

which is really handy in the modeling process,

which I will show off later.

And we also have a slicer tool.

So this allows you to slice through your model

to do some data validation.

We also have a split screen view.

So I’ll just go ahead and put a new view up,

and this is my current transect line.

I can work through my model by clicking the period

or the comma sign.

So I’ll move south so I can see my transect,

transect is moving south,

and see how my model changes.

I then have some hotkeys here.

So if you want to look down on your model,

you can go here, press D.

It also tells you your hotkeys over here.

So I could just press D on my keypad.

I could press E to look east,

and so on and so forth.

I’m going to go ahead and clear my scene here

with this trashcan.

Great thing about Leapfrog is you never need to save,

it saves automatically for you.

So I’m just going to clear my scene

and introduce this project.

Let’s go and take a look at our final project

so we can see what we’re going to be doing today.

Once again, this is an earthen dam,

also known as an embankment dam.

These are mainly utilized for flood risk management,

water supply, and conservation,

as well as a variety of recreational purposes.

So here I have some topographic contours,

so we can understand kind of the lay of the site.

So our high points over here in the Northeast,

we also have this dam access line,

which we’ll be utilizing later to build cross sections

along that alignment.

The geology is mainly composed of glacial outwash deposits

of variable thickness as well as a few volcanic flows.

So the model is underlain by a basalt flow here in green.

And then we also have a more felsic volcanic flow

with this QPVD unit.

We’re going to build a first pass geological model,

utilizing this borehole data.

So we’re going to go through and build individual surfaces

for each of these units, starting with our basalt

and moving up into our sedimentary units,

and then into our outwash deposits.

We have a little bit of QAO maps at the site.

And then finally we will finish with our fill material.

Once the model is built,

we’re going to do some model validation.

So I’ll just cut a cross section

through the middle of this, kind of zoom in

and change the transparency of our output volumes.

And from here, we can work our way through our model

and see how our boreholes are being honored by our model.

After that, we’re going to build some cross sections

along this alignment.

So I’ll just go and push these into the scene.

So here we have some cross sections

that can either be pushed right into a report

or exported to a geo-technical software like GeoStudio

for further analysis.

So let’s go ahead, I’m going to clear the scene

and we’re going to start a new project

and import all of this data from Central.

So I’ve created a new project

within my Central Project Server.

Let’s called this name demo server.

For those who don’t know,

Central is sequence cloud-based model management solution,

designed for project teams managing complex geologic data.

So it’s a data management solution that helps visualize,

track and manage your geoscience data from a centralized

and auditable environment.

So that’s a great way to keeping project teams connected,

organized, and working in a version controlled space.

So basically once our model is complete,

we can publish that into Central.

So publish it into the cloud

where that data can be managed appropriately.

We’ll also be notified of any changes made to the model,

so we’re up to date with the latest developments

in your project.

We can also use web visualization,

so we can look at these models on the web to comment,

review, and manage shared ideas.

So let’s go ahead and go to our Central portal.

So I’ma hit these three dots and go to the portal.

And I’m not going to go into too much detail about Central.

We do have a lot of great resources online,

if you want to schedule a demo

or look into some of our training, we offer that.

So these are all of the projects within my Central server.

I’m going to go ahead and just search for the earthen dam.

This is blank right now, since I did erase everything

’cause we’re going to be starting from scratch.

Within my overview tab, I can see what’s been published

into my earthen dam project.

So I see I have a master branch

that was published by Peter in May, 2020.

Looks like Gary came in here

and tried to do some experimental phase

dam modeling in June.

And then today I’ve actually uploaded a blank project

’cause we’re going to be building this from scratch together.

What’s nice about this is I can click

on one of these published artifacts

and that’ll bring me to web visualization

where I can pull some of this data into the scene to view.

So just bring in my topography and maybe my drilling data.

So I can zoom in and look at some of this data.

Additionally, you do have some nice functionality.

You can change the Z scale if you need,

and cut transect lines, use the ruler,

very similar to Leapfrog Works.

What’s also great is we can add comments

to whatever we’re looking at in the scene

to collaborate around our models.

So if I wanted to leave a comment for someone,

I can just click on this message bubble.

I actually did this, I guess 55 minutes ago.

I left a comment for Stephanie asking,

“Please take a look at this possible drilling location.”

So I left this comment and I can actually click on this

and go exactly to where I left this comment,

which in this case is kind of an arbitrary location,

but Stephanie is able to respond,

go exactly to that comment to see what I was looking at.

And she was also, she would’ve gotten a notification,

in this notification bell up here,

so great way to communicate around our model.

So I’m going to go back into my main screen here.

I have this user’s tab.

This is where we have the option

of three different types of permissions.

You can be a viewer, an editor, or an owner.

An editor is someone who’s going to be going in

and making changes to the model,

but doesn’t have the permissions to add users

to this user base.

The owner is the only one who has the permissions

to add additional users.

And then a viewer is really only going to have access

to looking at these web visualizations.

We have this files tab, we call this the data room.

This is where you bring in all your project data,

and you can bring in data

directly from Central into your project.

What’s nice about that is you’ll get an icon

on your project,

for instance, if this borehole data gets updated,

there’ll be an icon on your project that’ll say,

basically your project data is out of date

and you can reload that to refresh your model.

We have a history tab,

which kind of looks like my overview tab,

but you can go in and change around, edit this history.

So if you want to change this model branch

or changing the name of it, you can do that here.

We have a scene tab for creating safe scenes.

So you can rapidly go in and fly to this exact scene

to look at web, in web visualization.

And then finally we have this events tab,

which is a full audit record

of what’s happened within your model.

So what users have been granted access,

who’s downloaded the model, who’s uploaded the model,

what comments have been made.

So here’s Stephanie just responded to my comment about,

maybe we take a look at the color data,

it looks like it may be off.

So that’s a very quick tutorial to Central,

but we’ll go ahead and start building our project out

for time sake.

So let me get out of my Central portal,

and I can actually go see this audit history as well,

of my project by going into my projects tab,

and I can actually search for my project here

within our projects tab.

So I have this earthen dam, so I can double click this.

And this brings me to an area

where I can download previous versions

or the most recent version of the model.

So let’s go back into our scene view

and we’ll start bringing in some of our project data

from Central.

So I’m going to go ahead and clear my scene.

Let’s go ahead and start importing some of our project data.

So we’re going to start with our topography surface,

but we’re actually going to bring that in

through our meshes folder first.

So I’m going to right click on meshes.

If we have this file locally, we can import mesh here.

For this case, we’re going to use Central to import this data.

So I’m going to select this second option.

We need to then find our earthen dam project,

and we can bring in data from previously published projects.

So if I did want to bring in this data

from our experimental branch,

I can just bring that in from here,

or we can go directly into the data room.

So I’m going to go ahead and select our files tab.

I’m going to go down to my topography,

and select this topography DXF.

At the bottom here, we can see our supported file formats.

So let me go ahead and bring this in.

And this is going to process,

so you can just click on your processing panel

and see how that’s doing.

I will say that sometimes if you bring in data

and it doesn’t seem to be processing, it may be paused.

So go ahead and click on your processing panel

and select the run all.

So that is processed, I can bring this into the scene.

That’s my topography mesh.

I can change the color of this if I wanted.

Now let me add this in the mesh.

We can actually add this to our topography file.

So I’m going to right click on topography.

And select new topography from surface,

and I can select this DXF file.

So that will process.

And now we have our topography surface.

We can go ahead and change this to an elevation color map.

Turn on the legend.

Something else I can do here is extract the vertices

that make up this surface.

To do that, I can right click topography

and select extract vertices.

Press okay, and that will populate my points folder

with these vertices.

I think this was initially a 10 foot lidar-DEM surface.

So I just imported just one file from Central.

Just wanted to give you guys a taste of what that’s like,

and the rest of this,

I’ll just be uploading data from my local drive.

So I have a folder with a few different types of data types,

some aerial images, GIS data, borehole data.

So we’ll go through that process now.

So let’s go ahead and bring in some GIS data.

So I’m going to right click GIS data, maps and photos,

select import map, and then I’ll grab my aerial image,

which is already geo-referenced.

We actually have the ability to geo-reference images

in Leapfrog, so definitely check out our website

for details on that.

So I can bring this into the scene

and then I’ll go ahead and bring in my dam access line.

So I’ll just import vector data here,

navigate to my access line

and also bring this into the scene.

And we can see this is kind of floating

above the surface currently.

So it’s actually below our topography surface,

it’s because we need to drape this on topography.

So I’m going to clear my scene.

Once again, I’m hitting the trashcan.

So I’ll bring in my topography surface.

I’m just going to change this to a flat color,

and underneath our topography in our shapes lists,

we have this GIS data dropdown.

So I’m going to go ahead and select this down arrow,

go to views and select edit views.

From here, I can create a new view.

I’ll call this ariel and access line.

This is going to let me move over my GIS data

to drape on topography.

You can change the line width.

So I’ll just go and change this to we’ll say eight

and I’ll make it red.

Also notice this is, this dam access line is above my ariel.

If it’s below this layer, it’s not going to be shown.

So make sure any of your line work

is on top of your aerial image.

And then let’s go ahead and press close.

And now that has draped on my topographic surface.

So I can make multiple views if I have a lot of GIS data,

I can just keep going in, go back into edit views,

create a new one.

I can also just show one GIS object at a time.

So if I wanted to go to do that, I can go to GIS objects

and select this dam access line, which will be shown there,

but I’d recommend creating a lot of views for easy access

to getting a better picture of your model.

Now that we have our GIS data,

let’s go ahead and import some of our borehole data.

So I’m going to right click the borehole data folder.

We have quite a few sources of data inputs here,

so I can bring in data via local CSV files.

We can import these via Central or in ODBC like gINT,

or Microsoft Access.

We can also, we have direct API with OpenGround cloud,

which is Bentley’s cloud-based geo-technical

data management platform.

So within OpenGround,

you can create boring logs, cross sections.

There’s quite a bit of recording functionality in there,

so this API will continue to get better.

And then we can also add core photo links.

So this would be like connecting

to something like a (indistinct).

So we are actually just going to use CSV files.

I’m going to import here and now I can go ahead

and navigate to my color file.

I’ll select this color.

That’s actually going to auto map my survey files,

since it had survey in the file name,

and now I need to go import my geology table,

which has my interval data.

If I have, say I have another interval table,

like RQD data or some sort of downhole CPD measurements,

I can also bring those in.

I’ll just have to add that plus sign.

If you have any numeric data

or maybe some downhole point data, bring those in here.

And if you’re using the hydrogeo extension,

you’ll be able to import your screen intervals.

So this is all I have for this site, actually.

So I’ll just go and press import.

And depending on what your headers are,

this may auto map automatically

for what type of data this is.

So this actually auto mapped all this for me,

since my CSV file had a hole ID, an X, Y Z,

as well as a max depth.

So it’s quite handy to have a max depth in your color file

because Leapfrog does an automatic QA/QC

when you import this data.

So for instance, if you have a geology interval

that exceeds your max depth of say a hundred,

it’s going to flag that as an error.

So let’s go and press next.

We can see I’m on my survey table now.

If you’re working on a site with all vertical holes,

you don’t need this survey table.

I think there is some dip in some of these holes.

So I have one here with hole ID, depth, depth,

and my azimuth.

If one of these aren’t mapped or mapped incorrectly,

you can always go in and change these

to whatever type of data it is.

So I’m going to go and click next.

So here, once again hole ID, I’ll have my from two interval

and now I have a couple lithology codes.

So it actually did map these.

So I’m going to go and click this header,

and I’m going to bring this in as geology.

And same thing here, I do have some rippability versus fill,

so I can bring this in.

I can bring it as lithology if I wanted,

or a category if you had say, whoever logged the hole

or a drill rig, you can bring those in as categories.

We have timestamps data or dates,

obviously map it correctly.

So I’m going to go ahead and press finish.

That is going to process.

Oops, looks like we already had some in here.

I’m just going to go ahead and delete my first borehole set

and rename this.

So now I can bring in my geology into the scene.

I can see that I have a, I do have an error here.

So I have this red exclamation point,

so I can go ahead and right click on this

and navigate to those errors so I can select fixed errors.

So this is part of that QA/QC process.

So I can investigate these

and I can see that I have some hole IDs

that are not in my color table.

So these are in my interval table, but not in my color,

so obviously, I don’t have a location for them.

I have some warnings where I also have no color,

no samples for my color.

So nothing I really need to do here.

But if I did want to fix these errors,

I mean this was a tall tale sign

I’m missing some survey data.

So you’d want to export these errors out

depending on what they are,

get them to your database manager to fix in your raw data,

because you can fix these in Leapfrog,

but we don’t recommend doing that.

We always recommend fixing your original data source.

So here are my borings with my drilling code.

I’m going to go ahead and change my Z scale

so we can see these a little better.

And also I can import, I have a Leapfrog color file

for these lithology types,

I want to be consistent in my recording

and use the same colors, so I can go ahead and import these.

I’m just going to right click on my grouped code,

go to my colors and select import.

So I’m going to go back a few, I do have this grouped code,

and let’s see Leapfrog color file.

Oops, Imported on the wrong one.

So we’ll go in here, try that again.

So there we go, some consistent colors

with my previous projects.

So there we go, finally we’ve got our data imported,

and now we can start building this model.

A few last words before you start your model.

It’s a great idea to really understand your data

the best you can, do you want to look for trends?

You really want to understand your geologic history.

It’s only going to help your modeling process in the end.

So you can do that by looking at each unit individually.

So I’m going to flick on one unit at a time,

and you can see some of the space

and geographic relationships between these.

So I’ve got my fill, my QAL kind of over on this east side.

Some of the sedimentary units seem to be stacked up nicely,

kind of around the entire site.

I do have a felsic volcanic unit over on the east side

of this dam as well.

Slope wash, another sedimentary unit,

and then my basalt at the bottom of my model.

So definitely something to keep in mind

before you start.

To create a geological model,

we’re going to right click on our folder

and select new geological model.

From here, we can choose the base lithology column.

So this is what we’re going to build our services from.

This is our, we’re going to choose our DH code.

Something to note,

you can only choose this this base lithology column once.

So definitely choose the right column to model from.

Our surface resolution I’m going to set at 25.

And this is important because it controls how fine

or coarse the surfaces, so the lower surface resolution,

the smaller the triangles are,

and the more definition the surface will have.

The higher the resolution,

the less time it will take to process,

but may not show the level of detail that you might want.

So it really depends on the type of detail you want,

how big your project is.

Finally, we can move into our boundary model extent box.

So we can see we have these toggles in the scene.

So I can change this box using these arrows.

I can also type in these values manually,

or I can enclose the model on an object,

which is pretty handy.

I’m going to go ahead and choose that,

enclose it on my lithology data.

So it’s going to retrofit my model boundary

to only include areas where I have drilling data.

So I’m just going to call this earthen dam GM,

and I’ll press okay.

Under our new earthen dam GM,

we can see we have some new folders down here.

So the first one being our boundary folder,

this is basically just a blank model

of our geologic boundary, so I can actually click on this,

it’s going to show me the volume and the area.

So what’s going to happen is we’re going to parse

this boundary up into different geologic units

to create a airtight geological model.

Under our boundary, we have our fault system.

We’re not going to be mapping any faults in this webinar,

but if you did have them,

that’s where you’re going to have them.

We have a lithologies folder,

and then maybe the two most important

in the modeling building process is the surface chronology

in the output volumes.

So our surface chronology is where we’re going to build

our individual surfaces using an array of surface types.

So deposits, erosions, intrusions, veins, and so on.

And once we build those surfaces and activate them,

we will be given these output volumes

of each of our surfaces.

So right now we just have this unknown,

which is once again, basically just our model boundary.

So let’s go ahead and create our first surface type.

So I’m going to go ahead and bring my geology

back in the scene.

Now I can go ahead and start building my geological model.

So I’m actually going to go into my lithology legend,

which can be turned on or off from here,

and change the order of these

to the units that I’ll be building first.

So I’m going to start with my slope wash unit,

and then move into my felsic volcanic rock.

And then I’ve got my fill, my recent alluvium or QAL.

I’ve got an older slope wash units, a fluvial,

a (indistinct) and undifferentiated sedimentary deposits,

and then finally I’ll finish with my tertiary basalt.

So I’ll press OK, and then I’ll reorder my legend.

To create a new surface, I’m going to go into my GM

and right click on surface chronology.

From here I can choose an array of surface types.

For the slope wash, I’m actually going to use an intrusion,

it’s kind of a irregular shape,

and I’m going to choose my base lithology, which is my DH code.

It’s what I’ve used for my earthen dam model.

And you can see we also have a few other types

of data we can use, so if we have other contacts,

polylines, points, services, that type of data,

we can use those as well.

So I’m going to go and select from base lithology.

My interior lithology is going to be this QSW,

and exterior is going to be all of my other units

that have not been modeled yet.

So I’ma go ahead and press okay, and that is going to process.

I’m just going to go ahead and turn everything off but my QSW,

just so we can take a look.

And I’ll pull this surface contact into the scene.

So like I said, this is somewhat irregular.

We can go in and set a trend,

a global trend to this to clean it up,

but for sake of time, which we are running out of,

I’m going to keep moving on just so you guys get exposed

to as much as possible.

So I’m going to build my next unit,

which is going to be also on the east side of my dam,

this felsic volcanic so I can look at that.

In the scene here I’ll have a few data points,

but it’s kind of in a similar trend,

kind of trending in this direction.

So to build that, once again I’m going to right click

on surface chronology,

I’m going to select new intrusion from base lithology,

and now I’m going to go ahead and select my QPVD unit.

And I’m going to move over my slope wash,

since I’ve already modeled those contacts,

I do not need to model them again.

So I’m going to go ahead and press okay and let that run.

And let’s bring this into the scene and see how it looks.

So it looks okay.

Something which you may notice is

there’s somewhat of a trend with this data,

as well as our last QSW data.

Only over here on the right side of our model

and some somewhat of a trend in this direction.

So something like this, you may want to set a global trend

to better inform your model.

To do that, the easiest way is to go up into this tool bar

at the top and select this draw plane line button.

From here we’ll just go and draw planes.

So I’m going to left click on my mouse, drag and kind of,

yeah, basically connect all these points together.

That’s going to create this plane,

and from here, I can go ahead and adjust this plane,

using these arrow toggles.

I can also go down here into my properties panel

and type these in manually.

So I think this direction looks pretty good.

And then we see we have this pitch currently at 176.

This pitch is actually going to be our line

of maximum continuity,

which can be changed by moving this green arrow.

So what this is going to do once we set this trend,

it’s actually going to stretch our interpolation

in the direction of this green arrow,

as well as our intermediate line,

which is always perpendicular to this,

as well as our minimum line, which is orthogonal to those,

so it’s actually in the Z direction.

So let me go into my trend tab to set this.

So I’m going to double click on my QPVD unit.

I’m going to go into my trends tab,

this is where we set this global trend,

and we can see we’ve already created this plane

in the scene, I can copy these attributes

or these numbers over to this by selecting set from plane.

So I’m just going to set from plane

and that’s going to match whatever was down here

in my properties panel into my direction.

And this has changed my ellipsoid ratio.

So before this is set at one, one and one,

which is a isotropic surface,

so equally weighted on all sides.

Now we’ve actually made this an isotropic,

because we are extending this,

we’re stretching this three times,

in our maximum continuity direction,

three in our intermediate,

and then one that’s actually staying the same.

So I’m just going to go on press okay and see how this changes.

So it looks a little better I’d say, I’m actually going to,

let’s go ahead and change these line radius

to a little thinner and I’ll get rid of my plane.

So that’s okay, this is kind of the iterative process.

If you want to go in and keep adjusting these ratios, you can.

So for instance, I can actually stretch this five times

in our maximum direction, see how that looks.

That looks a little better.

And then we can also make other explicit changes

within here, so I’m just going to press D on my keypad.

It looks like it’s blowing out a little bit over here.

I don’t have data, so I’m just going to go ahead

and right-click on my QPVD, and I can say select this edit,

and I can just edit with a polyline.

I’m sorry guys I’m flying through this,

we’re running out of time, but I can go ahead

and draw a polyline directly on this new surface.

So for instance, I can just, I’ll just draw a polyline,

something like this, and I’m going to go ahead and press save.

And this is going to reprocess this surface.

So it’s kind of sliced some of that off,

it looks a little better,

and I’ll just go ahead and get out of this toolbar

by pressing the X.

So now I have this polyline informing this surface.

Let’s continue to move on with our next surface,

which is actually going to be my fill.

So I’m going to go ahead and only show my fill contacts

in the scene, see what those look like.

I’ma go ahead and get rid of this polyline

as well as our QPVD.

Let’s go ahead and take a look at

where these fill contacts live geographically.

So I can go ahead and throw my topo in the scene,

just to get an idea, it seemed to run parallel

to our dam access line.

And we already have this surface built.

Actually it was built in Leapfrog

and those vertices were exported.

So I’m going to use that file to build the surface.

So I’m going to into my points folder,

and I’m going to right click and select import points.

And here I have this fill contact vertices.

So this is going to want me to map these data points,

so I just have an X, Y, Z, let’s map those correctly,

and select finish, and if I bring these into the scene,

it’s basically just a bunch of points.

That is going to be my contact surface.

So to build a new contact here,

I’m just going to right click on surface chronology.

I’m going to create this as an erosional deposit

and I’m going to use my points,

so I’m going to select from points.

From here, we’ll go ahead and select

our fill contact vertices.

We’ll select our fill for our first lithology,

and we will say that is younger than our second lithology,

which is unknown,

since we see that we are going to be contacting multiple units,

we can’t assign a single contact.

So we’re going to leave this as unknown

and I’ll go and press okay and let that process,

which may take a few minutes.

We do have quite a bit of data points here.

So we’ll go ahead and keep letting that run.

So our feel surface has processed.

Once again, this is an erosional surface

built with extracted vertices, this looks pretty good.

You may want to go in and add some additional polylines

to constrain this a bit,

but for now this will work just fine.

So now I want to build my next surface, which is this QAL.

So if I pinpoint this data in the scene,

I can see that it does have some variability

in the Z direction,

which may look like it could build a pretty irregular shape.

We don’t have many data points for it.

So I may choose to build this with a intrusive surface,

and I know this isn’t an intrusive body,

but there is a lot of functionality

with our intrusion surface type.

So let’s go ahead and give this a try.

So new intrusion from base lithology.

My interior lithology is going to be QAL,

and I want to ignore my field contact points

as well as my felsic volcanic,

as well as my upper slope wash.

I’ve already modeled these contacts,

don’t need to model them again.

So bringing this into the scene.

Doesn’t look great starting off,

so we may want to set a global trend.

You don’t really see a good trend,

I mean, maybe something like this.

Something you can also do instead of creating

an actual polyline is going into your trends tab.

So I haven’t built a plane yet, but I can view a plane,

which is just going to be basically a flat plane,

runs in the vicinity of our data.

So I don’t really see a clear trend with this.

So I’m going to leave this line of maximum continuity as is,

but I am going to bump up these ellipsoid ratios.

We’ll just try three, three and one,

so that’s going to stretch our interpolation three times

in this direction, three times in the intermediate,

so perpendicular to that,

and we’ll just leave our minimum the same and press okay.

The surface looks a lot better

after setting the global trend.

So something you may want to do now is go back into your trend

and mess with these ellipsoid ratios

to see if you get a surface you like better,

or you can go and add some explicit edits.

So once again, you can right click,

select edit with polyline,

and add some polylines to constrain this data.

So to me, it looks like we’re blowing out

a little much over here.

We don’t have any data points, you may want to constrain this

with the polyline here, but let’s keep moving on.

So we have four (indistinct) units left to model,

as well as a basalt unit.

So I’m going to flick those on to take a look.

They seem to be pretty laterally continuous across the site.

So something like a deposit surface may work well.

So let’s go and build our QOGO.

So I’m going to right click surface chronology,

select new deposit, from this I’m going to select that unit

and use contacts below.

Let me get rid of my QAL since has been mapped.

I see I have quite a few contacts here, so I’ll press okay.

Now I can bring that surface into the scene.

Something to note, we also have these contact points

below each of these surface we’ve generated.

So if I bring those into the scene,

it’s going to create these individual contact points

of where my QOGO contacts another unit.

So I’ll go ahead and change the size of these.

So if I zoom in, everywhere I have a contact point.

I have a,

we’ll have these contact points here.

So what the program is do,

what it’s doing it’s using the fast RBF

to create the best fit surface

connecting all of these contact points to create a surface.

All right, let’s keep moving on here to our next unit,

which is our QPCF,

I’m also going to create this with a deposit.

So a new deposit from base lithology.

QPCF, I’m going to use contacts below.

So I’ve got 37 contacts with my QPCL.

We pull that into the scene, looks okay.

Seem to have quite a dip here,

then maybe some sort of structure I’m unaware of.

So that would be something to look into.

Maybe we can add a fault in there.

All right, I’ll make another deposit

with my QPCL contacting my QTCU 57 times.

So the surface also is dipping down quite low.

And then finally, we got one more surface to build,

going to use a deposit surface with my base lithology,

and my QTCU units contacting my tertiary basalt 11 times.

So I can bring all these contacts into the scene

that we’ve created, and may look a little chaotic

and that’s because we haven’t activated these surfaces yet.

So we need to activate them,

which is going to create output volumes,

but we also need to put them

in the correct stratigraphic order,

which will tell them how to communicate between the two,

and for cost-cutting relationship purposes.

So to activate these, I’m going to go ahead and double-click

on my surface chronology in my project tree.

Now I need to activate these surfaces.

So I can activate one by one,

or just select all of them with this top check box.

And then I need to put these

in the correct stratigraphic order.

So I did build these from a top-down approach.

So these all actually need to be flipped.

So these are the order that I built them in.

This is going to let the program,

basically understand (indistinct) relationships

and how to build these output volumes.

So I need to make sure I have these correctly.

Let me double check.

So once I have this I’ll press okay,

and that’s going to generate these output volumes.

Before I do that, you may notice that in my project tree,

these are all listed as inactive

that’s because we haven’t activated them.

That’s what we’re doing now, so this is good to go.

I’ll go ahead and press okay.

And this is going to process

and creates a mini airtight geologic model

with individual output volumes on each of our units.

And if you remember before,

all we had was this unknown output volume,

which is just our sort of model boundary, model domain.

Now I’m just going to turn off all of our surfaces

and turn on all of our lithologic units.

Now I can bring these in one by one.

So these are my output volumes

of my slope wash, volcanic unit, fill unit.

To understand the output volumes of these,

you can just click on them here

and it will populate with your volume and your area.

If I want to bring these all in at the same time,

I can just grab all of my output volumes

and bring them into the scene.

And here’s my geologic model.

So something we’re going to want to do

is validate this model against our borehole information.

So I’m just going to click D on my keyboard

to look directly down,

maybe change the opacity of these, maybe 50%.

I’m going to use this slicer tool up in my toolbar

and cut a slice directly through my model.

And then I’ll press L stands for look,

to look directly at that slice.

From here, I’ll just do a split view

so I can see where I’m at in my transect,

and I can now work through my model.

So I’m just going to press the period on my keyboard,

which is going to work south.

Yep, so now I’m stepping south.

I can change my step width, so right now my step size is 40.

Maybe I’ll just make it 50,

and then my slice width, I can also make 50.

So all that is,

here’s my slice width,

that’s actually going to be 25 feet on each side

or whatever unit you’re working in.

And then my step size is going to be moving 50 units as well.

So here I am, just stepping through my model,

comparing my borehole information

to my actual output volumes.

So these seem to be looking pretty good.

Yeah, we definitely recommend you do some model validation

after you build your model,

and this is a fast and easy way to do it.

So I can just work back again.

And there’s different slicer modes,

so I was using fixed slice here, I can remove front,

so I look around to remove everything in front of my slicer.

I can do the same for remove back,

and a few other options here, so pretty fun to explore.

All right, I’m going to get out of my slicer mode

and pull in my surface topography

’cause I do want to create some cross sections

along our dam access line.

I’ma go ahead and clean up my project tree.

So I’m going to right click project trees,

select collapse rows, just so I’m organized.

Now I can go into my cross sections and contours folder,

right click, I can select from quite a few different types

of cross-section types,

in this case, I want a new alignment serial section.

From here, I’ll go ahead and select this existing line,

which is my dam access line.

I zoom in on this.

It’s already started to build some cross section transects.

So F stands for front, B is for back,

and these are in a 30 unit (indistinct) spacing.

So I can change that here.

It doesn’t really need to be that granular,

I’ll change it to 500.

Then I can go in and change the width

of these cross sections, I’ll say 500,

height I also put 500.

Yeah, this will extend a little bit above my topography,

so I need to adjust that height.

So I can start moving those down

to make sure it ends in my basalt unit.

I think negative 130 will work pretty well.

So once I’m happy with these,

I can go ahead and press okay.

So this is my dam axis too.

I actually just made one, which I’ll work off of later.

But to add a new master section layout,

so I want to add data to this cross section.

I’m just going to right click, select new master section layout

and just like the project tree I can right click

on one of these folders to add data.

So I’ll just right click on models, select add model,

and I can add my or the dam to this cross section.

So that’ll generate pretty rapidly.

I can also go in and change my X and Y axis.

So I’ll go ahead and change this to feet.

Maybe I want a secondary Y axis and I want to use,

uncheck the real world coordinates.

Can just move this legend out of the way for now.

And then to add boreholes, I’ll just right click.

I’ll add my borings, select the correct table.

This is going to give me a minimum distance to section point.

So this is what’s going to project on my cross section.

Right now it’s giving me 2,000 unit radius to project them.

It’s kind of a little high for what I want,

I’m just going to change this to 300

and make sure these are selected,

so those will be projected onto my section line.

From here, maybe I want to show my DH code.

If I had other attributes that had some downhole data,

I can also bring those in to show, to be placed on the left

or the right of the line and go into my points and labels,

show depth markers, maybe I want my borehole names

to be at a 45 degree angle, show minimum distance.

Something I like to do is add in my topo data.

So I can just right click, add surface,

bring in my topography.

Maybe I’ll change this to brown and increase the line width.

I can also add this to my legend, so I’ll pop over here.

Any additional lines, points,

structural data I can also bring in.

I can easily move these around,

change some attributes in my legend.

So really intuitive workflow design here.

If I’m happy with this mock master layout,

I can go ahead and press the save button and exit out,

and then I can apply this master layout

to all of my other sections.

So I can just right click on my dam axis,

and select copy master layout two.

And I can choose all of these changes, spaced,

cross sections and press okay.

And that will reprocess with that master layout.

So I’ve already done that

and cleaned up my master layout a bit,

so we can see what it looks like now.

I’ve added a image kind of looking down

on where my cross sections are,

so I could go in and add an arrow,

maybe a text box point

to which transect line we’re looking at,

or add other attributes to my legend,

change up my vertical scale, so on and so forth.

So what’s next here is I can bring all these in

at the same time, see what this looks like.

Then I can also export these cross sections

to be used in other programs like GeoStudio.

So if I right click here, I can export and export these

in a few different design files, so DXF, DWG or DGN.

I can also export these as PNG, SVG, GeoTIFF files,

to be dumped right into a report.

Then you can always bring in your geologic model

and overlay that with your cross sections.

And that’s all the time we have today.

Sorry, I really spent a lot of time

focusing on importing the data,

then zoom through the rest of this.

But any questions,

feel free to ask them now and love to go over them.

(soft music)