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Unveiling the Secrets of Kaolin: Leapfrog Geo Revolutionises Mine Viability

The pursuit of resources requires ongoing exploration, with established mines often facing unexpected challenges. Such was the case for a kaolin open-pit operation facing two significant issues:

  • Uncertain deposit continuity:
    Newly discovered evidence from the geophysical studies cast doubt on the previously understood mineralisation pattern.
  • Heterogeneous material and diverse customer needs:
    The mine produces kaolin with varying qualities, catering to a range of clients with specific requirements.

These factors posed a significant threat to the mine’s long-term viability. Traditional methods employed in the industrial minerals industry, often reliant on 2D representations, proved insufficient to understand the complexities of the deposit’s structure fully.

However, Leapfrog Geo, Seequent’s cutting-edge 3D geological modelling software, offered an innovative solution to enhance their understanding of the underground.

From 20 Years to 5 Days: Leapfrog Geo Expedites Deposit Understanding

Asturmine, an engineering geology consultancy, was tasked with creating a new mine plan and deposit model for the struggling kaolin mine. Recognising the limitations of 2D methods, they turned to Leapfrog Geo.

“The client had a pre-existing understanding of the deposit,” explains Ignacio Alvarez, Resources and Reserves Specialist, “but the newly discovered extension zones did not align with their existing interpretation and raised concerns regarding exploitation permits and the mine’s lifespan.”

Leapfrog Geo provided the platform to construct a comprehensive 3D model. By incorporating data from Tomography Sections and new structural measurements (Figure 1) acquired during a single field day, Asturmine uncovered subsurface insights that had remained concealed for over two decades.

Figure 1. The image shows the stereographic template using Leapfrog Geo’s stereonet tool, resulting from the structural measurements taken in the field (Credit: Noa Pardo).

Unfolding the Future: Leapfrog Geo Reveals a New Deposit Architecture

“The most challenging aspect,” explains Noa Pardo, Modelling Geologist, “was integrating the new data with the historical information.” Leapfrog Geo’s Stereonet tool (Figure 1) proved invaluable in giving in-depth analysis of structural data, that enabled Asturmine to determine the fold axis, and accurately model the new area.

The initial interpretation of the deposit depicted a sub-vertical, parallel vein system of a series of branches (Figure 2). However, the 3D model revealed a different story. Leapfrog Geo’s tools identified a structure comprised of two folded clay layers (Figure 3). The historical mining area represented a tightly folded section, while the new exploration area exhibited a more open fold, explaining the observed horizontal contacts and matching with the geophysical interpretation.

Figure 2. From top to bottom, left to right: plan view of the old interpretation, side view of the old interpretation, cross-section of the original model interpretation (Credit: Noa Pardo).

A Clear Vision: Building Confidence for the Future

The 3D model generated by Leapfrog Geo provided a much clearer and concise picture of the deposit for the client (Figure 3). “The client was unfamiliar with models of this nature,” says Alvarez “It was a revelation, a significant departure from their traditional methods.”

Figure 3. From top to bottom, left to right: plan view of the new interpretation model, side view of the new model and cross section (Credit: Noa Pardo).

The visual representation provided clarity and solid geological reasoning, alleviating concerns about the mine’s longevity. The client gained renewed confidence and was eager to verify the new interpretation, as the model also provided a solid foundation for future exploration to secure permits in new areas.

Beyond Continuity: A Paradigm Shift for Sustainable Operations

The impact of Leapfrog Geo went beyond simply securing future reserves. The new 3D model empowered Asturmine to significantly optimise mine operations, delivering a range of financial and environmental benefits for the client.

Targeted Exploration and Streamlined Budget Planning:

With the precise picture provided by the Leapfrog Geo model, Asturmine could now pinpoint high-potential areas. This targeted approach allowed for a more efficient allocation of resources, potentially leading to significant cost savings in the exploration budget.

Furthermore, gaining a more precise understanding of the deposit’s structure will help in creating a more accurate mine plan, ultimately leading to a more consistent budget over the mine’s lifespan.

Reduced Waste and Minimised Environmental Footprint:

Previously, the limitations of 2D models often led to the extraction of unnecessary waste material during mining operations. However, the detailed visualisation of the deposit offered by Leapfrog Geo enabled Asturmine to design highly targeted mining strategies. This led to a significant reduction in waste extraction, directly impacting the mine’s operating costs.

Additionally, minimising waste extraction translates to a smaller environmental footprint. Less material needs to be processed, transported, and disposed of, leading to a reduction in the mine’s overall environmental impact and carbon footprint.

Client-Specific Mining and Maximised Revenue:

In the future, the integration of Leapfrog Edge software with the 3D model can unlock a new level of value creation for the client. Leapfrog Edge allows for the estimation of contaminant grades within the modelled solids. This empowers Asturmine to divide the mine into distinct blocks based on contaminant content. With this knowledge, they can tailor extraction strategies to meet the specific needs of each client.

Supplying a range of industries, from cement manufacturing to ceramics production, the mine caters to varying client needs based on the specific chemical composition of the kaolin used in each application. By understanding contaminant variations within the deposit, Asturmine’s customers can ensure they deliver the exact quality of kaolin required by each client. This client-specific approach maximises the overall value extracted from the deposit.

Conclusion: A Model for Efficiency and Sustainability

Leapfrog Geo proved to be an invaluable tool, transforming decades of uncertainty into a clear path forward. The 3D model not only secured the mine’s future, but also opened doors to optimising operations, minimising environmental impact, and maximising client satisfaction.

Asturmine’s story demonstrates the power of Leapfrog Geo to navigate complex geological challenges and unlock the full potential of a resource, all accomplished within a remarkably short time.

Leapfrog Geo provided Asturmine with the tools to transform their mine operations. By enabling targeted exploration, minimising waste, and facilitating client-specific mining, the 3D model unlocked significant financial and environmental benefits for the client, ensuring they can maximise the value extracted from their kaolin resource.

Did you know:

  • Leapfrog Geo’s 3D modelling revealed hidden continuity in a kaolin deposit.
  • The new model secured the mine’s future and facilitated targeted exploration.
  • Leapfrog Edge optimised mining by minimising waste and enabling client-specific extraction.

Meet the authors:

Ignacio Alvarez

Resources and Reserves Specialist

Noa Pardo

Modelling Geologist

Elisenda Rodríguez

Geology Specialist

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