This online seminar includes industry best practices for using UX-Analyze
to process advanced electromagnetic sensor data to classify unexploded ordnance targets. An overview of UX-Analyze, along with practical tips for experienced users to help improve their workflows.
Darren Mortimer
Product Owner – Seequent
58 min

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<v Darren>Hi everyone.</v>
My name is Darren Mortimer
and I’m a product owner here at Seequent.
On behalf of Seequent
I’d like to welcome you to today’s webinar
on industry Best Practice’s
for Advanced Geophysical Classification of UXO Survey Data.
So here’s what we’re going to cover.
What is classification
and why consider using it for your UXO projects?
And an introduction to Advanced Geophysical Classification,
along with working with dynamic and static survey data.
I also have some tips
of features that you may not be aware of.
Time savers to make your project workflows more efficient.
So whether you’re a new user to Oasis montaj
and UX-Analyze, or a seasoned pro,
I have something for everyone.
So, let’s get started.
So what is classification?
It’s the action or process of classifying something
according to shared qualities or characteristics.
Anyone can do classification.
In fact, we learned to do this a quite at an early age.
I went and found some experts
and see how well they would do.
You can see they did a pretty good job
of being able to classify or group the items
based on their property.
Things like size, shape and color.
However our classification problems aren’t quite so easy.
We need to find things like UXOs, unexploded ordinance
or ERW, explosive remnants of war.
And we must look in places like fields and forests,
where they’re not easily visible.
Now why would we want to do classification?
Several years ago, the defense science board did a study
on the typical pro of cost breakdowns
for munitions projects.
And the typical munitions clean up,
an overwhelming fraction of the money
is spent removing non-hazardous items.
So if we can save money,
if we can identify these items beforehand
and either remove them with fewer safety precautions
or simply leave them in the ground.
Another way to think about this
is if we can reduce the digging scrap or clutter by 90%,
we can see a reduction in project costs.
I should note there are sites
where classification isn’t recommended.
If you’re working on heavily impacted areas
and looking for small items,
or when you know you’re going to need to dig everything up
because of the nature of the final land use of the site.
So what is Advanced Geophysical Classification?
It’s using a principled physics-based approach
to reliably characterize the source
of a geophysical anomaly as either a target of interest,
a UXO or as a non target of interest,
clutter, debris or scrap.
And you must recognize that even the current
survey or field methods
already involve some kind of implicit discrimination.
Mag and flag, how sensitive is the instrument that’s using
and how attentive is that human that’s
working and listening to the tones
and reading the dial as they go along.
Or in digital geophysics when we set our target thresholds.
Above this, we will pick it and call it an anomaly,
below that, we don’t.
Those themselves are some levels of classification.
We found that electromagnetic geophysical methods
are the most useful.
Compared to magnetic methods,
EM is minimally affected by magnetic soils
and can detect both ferrous and non-ferrous items,
and also provides more information
or properties about the source.
Things like distance, orientation, it’s size and shape,
material type and thickness.
Some of these can be called extrinsic properties.
They’re external to the item, other one they’re intrinsic.
These are the properties that are the most important ones,
because then we can look at these
and use those for classification.
The EM response can be decomposed into components
along three orthogonal principal directions.
These magnetic polarizabilities are specific responses
to the EM excitation or the electromagnetic excitation
along the target’s or source’s principal axes.
Basically these things called polarizabilities,
completely describe the EM response of the target
and the are intrinsic to the target.
And we’ll see a little bit more about that coming up.
So thinking about some of the conventional sensors
which you may be familiar with.
These are really good for the detection,
but the not usually good for classification.
They have a limited number of measurements.
Often only a couple of time gates or maybe even one.
And the generally usually a single monostatic transmitter
and receiver.
That means the transmitter and receiver
are pointing in the same direction
and they’re at the same location.
To be able to get a full look of the target,
we need to move the sensor around
and even small errors and locating the sensor creates noise.
The end result of all of this,
that the sensors aren’t good for classification because they
don’t allow us to generate good, accurate,
reliable polarizabilities.
So along comes the advanced electromagnetic sensors.
These guys are designed for classification.
They observe the response
and allow us to calculate reliable polarizabilities.
And there kind of is two types of flavors.
There’s either a single axis planar array
where we just have a array of coils,
very similar to what you’re working with already.
Or we can mount these in
the transmit and receiver coils
in many different orientations and directions.
So it’s both allowing us to fully illuminate
or excite the target and measure it from several directions.
Here are some examples of current system sensors
that are available and are in use today.
Things like the TEM two by two
and the MetalMapper two by two,
they have four transmitter coils and a planer array.
And in the center of each of those coils is a receiver
which is a multi-axis receiver.
It is orientated in both X, Y and Z.
On the other hand, you’ve got things like the MetalMapper
and the Man-Portable-Vector or NPV.
These guys have multiple access transmitters,
and you can see them there sticking up above
looking kind of like an egg beater along with
in the case of the MetalMapper seven multi-axis receivers
and the case of the MPV, five multi-axis receivers
on that sort of a round circular head.
We also record over a much larger window.
Typically in a static survey mode,
we record 122 gates over 25 milliseconds,
collecting much more data.
And we can use this data to help us to determine
or develop these intrinsic properties of the source.
We can take our response data here which has shown
all the responses from a two by two sensor.
The plots are shown with a log time and along the x-axis,
and it’s the log voltage along the y-axis.
We can take all of this response data and invert it
to give us reliable polarizabilities.
And I have a little example here for you.
Here we have a gain that a two by two type system.
Each of the large squares represents the transmitter
in a planar array.
In the center of that there is a receiver
that has got the three receiver coils on it
in each of the three orthogonal directions.
We have the response data
and then there’s the polarizabilities.
And if I take this source
and we’re going to move it around here,
you’ll be able to see how changing the source locations
changes the response,
but the polarizabilities essentially remain the same.
So we can move it down there to the bottom
and then move it over to the top.
I’ll just go back and forth there where you can see
how the response keeps changing,
but the polarizabilities essentially don’t.
So we can use these polarizabilities
since they completely describe the EM response of the source
and they’re intrinsic to the source
and they really don’t change due to the depth
that we will bury the source or its orientation.
We can also extract from them
a number of properties which are directly related
to the physical properties of the source.
We can look at the decay rate
which will give us the wall thickness.
We can look at the relative magnitude
of the various polarizability that gives us
an indication of the shape of the item.
And we can also look at the total magnitude
of the polarizability and that will give us an indication
of the overall volume or size of the object or source.
These features or properties can be easily shown
in a feature space plot.
For example here’s the size and decay.
Remember size is kind of the overall volume of the object
and decay is that notion of the wall thickness.
And when we can use that to classify items.
Well, we can see here that we’ve got a grouping of
targets or sources there related to 75 millimeters
and other ones related to a 37-millimeter,
but the 57 millimeters, they’re a little spread out.
It’s not quite as helpful.
These feature plots or the features alone
have a limited classification power
compared to the overall curve.
These are really what the source looks like in the EM sense.
So we could compare the polarizabilities,
the whole entire curve from our unknown item
to a bank of signatures of items
that we would expect to find
or we have for expected munitions and other items.
Here on the left,
we have something that’s typical of a target of interest
or TOI.
It’s a 37-millimeter projectile.
And you can see there,
it’s got one strong primary polarizability
and two weaker and equal secondary
and tertiary polarizabilities.
This is typical of what we expect to see for munitions
because of their actual symmetry.
They’re mostly pipe type shapes.
Non targets of interest or none TOI, things like horseshoes,
scrap metal, the debris.
These typically have different polarizabilities,
they tend not to be equal.
They tend to sort of just be very irregular
because that’s what the shape of
most scrap pieces of metal are.
They are regular in shape.
And to give you an idea of,
you know, how well these kind of things work,
we can look here at a couple of different items.
Here we have a 37 and 75-millimeter.
They kind of have a different shape
but you can see clearly they have a different size,
see where they sort of would be coming in
and that Y axis intercept is located.
And this one always amazes me.
We can even detect and tell the presence of something
such as the driving band.
The driving band is usually a thin band of soft metal,
often copper, that is around the shell
that cause it to rifle or spin
as it travels through the barrel.
And whether that is located at the end of the round,
whether it’s lost during firing altogether
or it’s located in the middle round
causes slight changes in our polarizabilities.
And the fact that we can see that
I think is it’s pretty amazing and pretty cool stuff.
It does point out that we need to make sure that
our classification system and our methodology
can deal with subtypes, maybe damage to the item.
Also possibly just noise and inversion errors
as slight errors as we go along through our process.
So doing an Advanced Geophysical Classification survey
or AGC kind of comes down into two parts these days.
There is work being carried out
by the hardware manufacturer and others
for us to be able to detect and classify in a single pass.
But right now, we currently need to do things in two passes.
We do it as in a dynamic survey, kind of a mapping mode.
It’s kind of like mowing the grass
where we find all the possible locations
that we may have a source.
This can be done with conventional sensors,
things like the EM sensors that you’re familiar with,
magnetometers, you can use those,
but where appropriate the advanced EM sensors
do give you more accurate locations
and make the second part of the survey more efficient
because of these improved locations.
The second half of the survey is the
sort of the static survey or classification survey,
where we go and park our sensor at a flag location
and collect data to classify that source.
To give you some idea of production rates,
it’s often depending on the nature of the site,
how far the locations are apart.
We’ve found that people can collect roughly
three to 400 locations per day.
So looking at the dynamic survey, that mapping mode,
kind of breaks down into three easy steps.
We’re going to prepare the data, identify the sources
and they review those sources and create our list,
our flag list that we will use again in the static survey.
Some people like to call
the last two parts of this workflow,
the informed source selection or ISS,
because we’re using some idea
or knowledge of the sources that we’re looking for
to help us pick those targets.
In your UX-Analyze,
we have an easy workflow that will step you through this.
Here I’ve highlighted some of the key items
with the same cause as we just saw in the general workflow.
The items with the arrows on are the ones that
I would call them the must do’s.
That if you’re going to process data,
these are the things that we’re going to need to
step through.
So why don’t we take a moment here
and I’ll flip to Oasis Montaj
and we can take a look at
some of these parts of the workflow.
So here I have some data. I’ve imported it already.
And to save time,
I’ve gone through some of the processing steps,
because with the dynamic data
you do collect very large volumes of data
and it just takes sometimes,
a few moments for us to go through and do that processing.
The first step that you would do is do the data processing.
This is where we will filter and make sure
that any data that is outside
of our quality control specifications
is dummy down or removed from subsequent processing.
Like if the sample stations are too far apart because
the guys in the field went too fast
or there was some other problem with the sensor.
When this runs it will give you
sort of a plot similar to that.
And as we wrote down through our processing workflow,
the next thing you’ll need to do
is do some latency correction
for just timing aspects of how fast the system fires,
the GPS, all that kind of coming together.
Create the located database and then beta grid that up.
And I’ve got one of these here where I’ve prepared that
and shown it on here with our survey tracks.
One of the tips that I’d like to share with you,
often I like to see where was the data collected?
What you’re seeing there on that path there
is the original path of the cart of the sensor itself.
But remember it’s got in the case of this,
this is a two by two system, it’s got, as I was showing you,
those are the diagrams, those four receivers on those.
Well, where were those traveling?
And we can load and display those,
but whoa, that is just crazy.
I can’t see anything there.
One of my tips is set the transparency,
lower the transparency down of something of that
sort of other paths, where we can still see them.
We can still see where the original, the cart went
and then where those air receiver coils
traveled across our dataset.
And one of the things that
once we’ve created this amplitude grid,
one of the other steps that we like to look at
is something we call the coherence anomaly.
And this is where we look at a sample of the data
and see how well an item will model
under a window of that data.
And I’ll show you some examples of the threshold plots
in a moment.
The coherence anomaly map, let’s just move this over here.
I have gone and created one.
It makes it very easy to detect targets which you may miss
in the amplitude plot.
Now maybe we’d like to see our line paths on here as well.
And since I’ve already created them
over on my amplitude map,
it’s as easy as just I can drag and drop them onto this map
and we can see them there.
And they’ll come across
with their same transparencies and everything that we have
on the previous map.
And don’t forget, if you’re looking to look at multiple maps
and gee, wouldn’t it be nice if they were at the same place.
At the top of the map there is a series of buttons.
If I click on the second button from the left,
that will make all my maps zoom to the same area
that I see on the map that I am controlling it from.
For those, if you have run that UX-Analyze before,
any of you have noticed areas where you might see this
or some of these like broad high features
in your coherence anomaly data?
This is generally caused by over-correcting your data
or over leveling your data.
When you’re doing the leveling,
look at going in and adjusting parameters,
the leveling of filtering the data
to changing perhaps your amplitude threshold
or the width of the signal
that you’re using to do the filtering.
It says those types of areas where you see the broad,
in the broad high in the coherence anomaly,
or perhaps a broad low in the amplitude
is an indication that you’ve over leveled
or over filtered your data.
And after I went through and adjusted that,
we can see how I can make those a little bit more clearer.
Now I mentioned earlier that the coherence anomaly
allows us to see anomalies which we might not
be readily see in the amplitude.
Here I’ve just got to made a match snapshot,
you know, if you send maps to your friends
or to your manager or senior scientists to have a look at
and review?
So here, if I want to send this map on,
I’ll say, Dave, look, there’s a spot here
where I’ve got these low amplitude anomalies
and they’re only coherence elements.
What do you think?
He’s like, you know, rather and he’s got to look at this data
and go, well, where does he Darren want me to look?
He can just come unload that snapshot
and it will go to that area
and if he turns on the changing stance on all maps,
you can now quite easily,
we can go on and turn on our shadow cursor
and see which of those anomalies
we can see quite clearly on the coherence map,
but not so much in just the amplitude or response alone.
We would go on after we’ve, can pick our anomalies
from both the coherence and the amplitude picks
and using the thresholding tools,
we can sort of decide which threshold we used.
In this data set I used 0.5 and three
and I’ll show you in a moment how I picked those
when I flipped back to the slides.
And finally, you will invert the data
and generate the sources and then you need to be to filter
and look at those sources
and determine which ones are something
that you would like to go on and go on to
and collect a static survey data.
And I had a, so I just took slow open up my source database
where I’ve gone and done this.
In the source database.
So we go from survey data, we pick targets,
we then invert those targets to generate sources.
And then we might learn to look at,
and I’ll just overwrite the one I made earlier
of being able to filter out some of the sources
because some of them may be things which just,
there’s no way that they can be the
type of target of interest or UXO that we’re looking for.
And to make this easier or to help you with that,
when you do the filtering step,
we create a bunch of channels and we look for
how big was the source?
Did we get a good inversion result?
If we didn’t get a good inversion result
because of noise or something in the data,
then we can’t trust that result.
And we want to keep that on our list
for further investigation.
Some things we might say,
well, look, there’s no way it could have a size and decay
that that could be something that we could
possibly classify.
And these then are indicated in one of the channels here,
they’re sort of flagged off of that.
And there’s a nice, clear channel that tells you
or a column in the data as to why they were filtered out.
And you can see those various symbols represented on this
feature space of scatter plot.
The red lines represent my thresholds for my size and decay.
So you can see symbols out there turned off or gray,
whether it be green and turned on in here,
some of them were found just to simply have no anomaly
like we had no signal
in that when we do some of the inversions,
we will look for what we call three dipoles, three objects.
And one of the dipoles will have an object.
One or two of the others may not
if there’s only one physical object there.
And those will be filtered out and removed.
Some of the ones you see here with a little brown Xs
or orange Xs all over the site and some just on the edge,
these are the ones that due to some noise in the data
that we had a poor inversion result.
And we want to keep a new ongoing revisit in our static survey
to make sure that there is no targets of interest there
’cause remember, we’re dealing with UXOs here,
we want to be conservative.
So there’s a little bit of a high-level overview
and a few tips on the dynamic processing.
And just flipping back to our slides here,
we kind of walked through some of that workflow,
and I promise you to looking at the coherence threshold
or how we pick those thresholds.
So there’s a tool called
determined coherence anomaly threshold
that creates this plot for you.
And one of the questions I often get asked is,
well, how many samples should we use when we do this tool?
And you can see there on the right
I’ve just kind of highlighted where that sample box is.
We generally recommend that people use around
about 2,000 samples.
And the question is, well, why do I need to use 2,000?
I want to get it done faster. I want to use less.
This example where I use just 20 points,
where we go and find a background area.
So an area that we believe
because of its signal is free of metallic debris.
We synthetically insert a signal response into that
and invert it and see how well that inversion goes.
If it’s a very good match to something,
that gives us a strong coherence.
And we can look at how noisy that is
compared to when we just try to invert it
when nothing’s there.
With the object, gives us the black dots.
Without the synthetic object there,
it gives us the red dots.
And there’s the thresholds that I picked before
in our example.
And you can see there’s with 20 points.
If I ran it another time with this 20 points,
because we randomly picked the locations,
you get a slightly different result.
So maybe 20 is not good enough.
So use 200.
It’s better,
but I run it with another 200 points.
Things will slow the shift again.
Yes, I did run a couple of examples
to run several runs to cherry pick,
to give you some examples where you could clearly see
the shifts occurring.
But if I ran it with 2,000 points,
all of those variations that you see do get covered in,
it gives you a much more reliable set of curves
to bid a pick from, making an awesome,
makes them very easy to interpret and see.
If you’re wondering why the two levels
on the coherence plot,
depending on the nature of your munition,
we can get this sort of down curve into the y-axis.
And I went and picked a sort of more conservative point.
The purple line is the depth of investigation
that we’re being asked for on this project.
Is we’ve been asked to find things like
a 37-millimeter or something that can also be represented
by a medium ISO down to 30 centimeters.
ISO stands for Industry Standard Object.
And so that’s the level I want to pick for.
I want to be maybe a little conservative
and that’s why I’ve gone and lowered my threshold
down to 0.5.
Yes, could I go lower?
But that would be going sort of above and beyond
what we were asked for in our project scope.
So now we’ve chosen our thresholds.
There’s two places that we use the thresholds.
And my other little tip is when you take your values
that you’ve used in your target picking,
I ended up typing in three I guess or could have used 3.7.
I think I had 3.6 sort of in around there.
Those are the values that we picked targets with.
When we do the inversion because we have this full coverage
that we get with dynamic data.
If a source is found to be on the edge of the data chip,
that piece of data that we use to do the inversion with,
our results aren’t going to be as good or as reliable.
But because we have that full coverage,
we can reposition that chip.
During that repositioning
we want to look to see if we’ve got data there
and it’s got some signal to it.
Like if it’s not gone into total background.
And we recommend there for your thresholds
that you use roughly about 50%
of the original target picking threshold.
But be careful, don’t go down into the noise.
If your site tends to be a little bit noisier
in your original target picking threshold
is close to a noise threshold,
you might not be able to actually go that full 50%
and we’ll need to modify that value.
But on hand, generally,
you can use 50% of your target picking threshold
for your repositioning threshold
when we’re doing the inversions.
So that’s a bit of a walkthrough
and some tips around the dynamic workflow.
Remember if you have any questions,
do enter them into the questions box
and we’ll respond to you after the webinar.
Next here, I’ll take a look at the static survey
or classification workflow.
For this workflow there’s really just two steps.
Prepare the data and classifying rank.
There is this step in the middle there,
construct and validate a site library.
This is something you generally just do at the beginning
or end of your project to make sure
that the library that you’re using
is a complete library for your site.
And we’ll come and look at that
notion of a complete library for your site
a couple points through this part of the presentation.
So here’s our a static workflow.
Much like my title that seemed to be,
today seem to be very long
and might look to be very complicated.
But again, I can sort of highlight for you
with the same closes on a general workflow.
Those must do points are shown there with those arrows.
And it’s really, you know, import some data, level it.
If it’s the first time through
and you haven’t got a library,
you should validate your library
and then it’s just classifying rank.
But for most of your project import level classify.
And it’s pretty much that simple.
So let’s go over to Oasis and I’ll show you just
exactly how simple that is.
I’ve created a project,
I’ve already imported my background data
and then now we will go in and import my survey data.
I’ll just turn off the filter here.
In this folder
I’ve got all of my different types of survey files.
We have SAM or static anomaly measurements.
We have other QC ones which I’ll touch on
a little bit later as QC sense of function tests.
And then my background measurements as it says,
I’ve already done those.
The import with the HDF import,
you can just give it all of your data
and we’ll figure it and put the data
into the right databases for you based on its data type.
I’ve just gone and selected for this demonstration here,
just for files, static anomaly measurements over some items.
So we can import those in.
You’ll get two databases.
A data database and a target database
and there’s a similar ones in the dynamic workflow.
The data database, tongue twister it is,
contains the actual transient or response data.
The target database contains this a list,
in this case of all the measurements that you made
and various sort of other parameters
of the sensor that was UBIT size windows,
other premises that we use that describe the sensor
that we then use in the inversion.
So once I brought it in, I need to level it.
Leveling it is removing the geology or background
or drift or the sensor out of the readings.
So we’re here.
I just need to pick my survey database
and my background database.
We find those based on the codes
that are there in those names.
And then we will just a couple options that we need to pick.
Most people will pick time and location.
You going to pick the nearest background reading
that was taken in an area that was free of metal objects
and subtract that from our measurement.
And we want to use the one that’s the closest in space,
most likely the same geology and the closest in time
to remove any drift.
And that will give us a new level channel.
And now we are ready to do our classifying rank.
I’ve already got a library. It’s a good library.
I’ve done my validate library work.
So I can just hit classifying rank.
We give it our database to use.
Is asking us what channels you may be using
as a mass channel.
A mass channel is a way that you can turn off
individual targets or flag or measurements and not use them.
So if you just wanted to do a sample or redo something,
this is a way that you could toggle that.
Some parameters about the sensor,
but the library database that we’re going to match to,
I can go onto the tools tab and these are all the individual
sort of steps that this tool
of classifying rank will go through.
We’ll invert your sources, do the library match skill,
look to see if there’s any self matches or clusters,
identify those and ultimately do that set the thresholds
and do our classification and prioritization.
We can also create several plots.
I’ll just do the one plot at the end of this to speed it up
for our demonstration today.
So there we go.
That’s going to take about two minutes to run
and just kind of go through all of those steps for us
and generate plots for each of those targets that
we read in.
But while that’s running,
we can just take a look at
a data set that I have already brought in,
much more targets and have ran through,
sorry, this one.
And this is after I’d ran my validate library workflow.
Is where this one is at.
And some tips of things that are good to look out on here.
We will load a series of channels, there’s lots of data
in the database table that you can look at.
That’s just my progress bar.
But two that are good to add and show here
are the ones that look for clusters.
So I can hit down our list,
drop down and there’s are two clusters, channels.
And you can see over in my plot
where you see a whole bunch of gray lines
on this one that I happened to be sitting on in behind.
And that’s the notion of a cluster that they are the same,
has the same set of polarizabilities.
In the EM sense, they look alike.
And during the validation stage,
you want to look for these unknown items and find those.
And one of the easy ways to do that
is to come to our tool here.
That just keeps popping up
and just do show a symbol profile.
And in your profile window, we’ll give you,
we create an ID for each of the unknown clusters
and in this window now we can sort of, you know, see those.
And so we can see this like three lines here if you would,
that these guys are all the same as this
’cause this is the ID for this cluster.
So is a cluster called number two.
And there’s a bunch of things that look like each other
that are in this cluster.
And I can flick between those.
I’m just going to move that to my second screen
and it will generate and bring up the plots for those.
And we can see, well, oops, didn’t click on it quite there.
There we go.
Click into the database and you can see it of those.
So as a time saving tip,
when you’re doing your validation of your library,
you can bring this up
and just do a simple plot of the cluster IDs
and see quite easily then any of the things
of the eye of the clusters that we can explain
in that they don’t have a strong match
to something in our library.
Maybe you want to look at, well, what did they match to?
And you could bring up one of the other plots
which I have shown up here in the top right.
But I could show those what they match to
and what the match metric,
how well those curves match to each other.
We come up with a quantitative value there.
I could load those,
but one of the key powers of using the tables,
because we have a lot of information
is to use the database views.
And I have gone prior to this and saved myself a view
that I would like to have and I can get that.
And just by simply coming in and loading my view,
I can do that same step that I did
and showed you manually a moment ago,
loading those cluster channels,
but I can also then go and load a whole bunch of
whatever other channels I would like to look at.
Here look where we’ve matched all three curves,
one, one, one.
Where we’ve just matched two of the curves are primary
and the secondary curve.
And what did they all match to.
From a real power user point of view
for you guys there that are advanced users,
these database of view files are text files.
You can go in and edit them.
There’s the one that I just loaded up.
When we run the bundles,
we give you an automatically load up a database view.
If you don’t like or continually want to add things
to the database view that we have,
you can go and edit that file.
And add your own channels that you would like to see
loaded in there.
And then every time you run classifying rank
or the validate library,
that series of channels will be loaded.
So at this point a moment ago, when we saw there was
progress priors stop are example that we did there.
We brought in in here has completed.
It’s found that those items match to
and we’ve got some pretty good match metrics.
And if I click on the item,
we will automatically bring up
and show us one of the plots.
And we can see the polarizabilities on here.
We can see the polarizabilities
and how well that they’ve matched.
We can see where the sensor was parked and laid out.
They parked really good,
right over top of the potential flag location
of where the source is
and it was found to be at that location.
And will show you some other plots
which I’ll come to in a moment.
There’s our size and decay friend again,
and this other one called the decision plot.
And I can just kind of go through and look at those.
This one didn’t match as quite as well.
You can see the polarizability is from our data
and this one with a little bit noisier,
and we didn’t get still matched to
a one 20-millimeter projectile,
but just compared to one of those first ones I looked at,
they were just a little bit more noisier.
And so you’d see that was just as easy as import data,
level it and run classifying rank.
When we want to come and look at our results,
that was the one we were looking at before.
Here’s where I have gone and ran a larger sample.
And you can see there’s our size and decay plot
that gives us that,
looking at that feature of those two properties
and where things might group.
They’re colored based on red, we think it’s a TOI,
target of interest.
Green, it’s a below some threshold that we set
of how well things match to library items.
And that’s shown here in a little,
what we call a decision plot.
We can bring other plots up
or any other images that you may have on
that you want to see in your data.
We can create what these plots
that we call interactive image of yours.
This could be any image that you have.
Some people like to do this when they do their dig surveys,
that they will use photographs of the items.
And creating a view as simply as looking at the images
that you’ve created.
So this is my folder of some images that I,
polarization plots that I created earlier.
Seeing what the name is there and generally
we’ve got everything there with a prefix.
And then the name of the item is the last part of that.
And in this case that name is referring to
its initial acquisition ID.
So I’m going to go find that in the list here
and then browse into that folder.
And we’ll look in that folder and try to figure out
whether you’ve got a prefix as in my case, or,
you know, maybe you’ve done a suffix on there
for naming all the images and then whether the PNG, bitmap,
JPEG, whatever and then you can load it.
And then when I click on any one of our sources,
that image will load up along with my other image.
I can see here and we can look at it
and help you do the review.
Now, maybe you’re like me,
and you’ve got all these over and you’d be like,
gee, it would be nice if I could get them to arrange
the way that I would like them to arrange.
And for that, you could go,
we have a tool that will let you save a window layout.
Earlier I saved a window layout
and I had one from a self to get started,
but then I also had one for my classifying rank.
So I can load that one.
Oh, wait.
Sorry, I clicked on the wrong button there.
So is easy as that.
Now my window’s all arranged
in a way that I would like them to be
and I can easily move through
and they will update as I go forward and look at the plots.
We also have other tools.
I have a size and decay plot on that
main documentation plot that I made,
but maybe I would like to have an interactive version
of one of those so that when I click on it,
things will change and we can open up
and create one of those.
You can load overlays onto these plots
to help you find some of the items
that you were looking for.
And I’ve made an overlay earlier.
You can color them up based on one of the parameters.
If you do that based on the category,
we’ve got already a color code pattern in there
that will load.
So you can use that and this is always interactive
so that when I click on one of these items,
on the scatter plot, my database will go to it.
And as long with the other plots
that I am looking at and reviewing.
So there’s just a little bit of a walkthrough.
And I’m looking at some features with the static workflow.
And I’ll just kind of, you know, go back to my slides here.
And there was a couple of other,
you could say, frequently asked questions
I get from people, how to create a library.
Well, the answer’s real simple.
Collect some data over a target of interest.
With UX-Analyze we include an example library,
and this is based off a assertive ESTC project.
And I’ve included the link there
if you’d like to know about it.
But you can see some examples from that project where
they just took a sensor.
In this case, a MetalMapper,
put it on some plastic book stands
and then placed items underneath it and collected some data
that we then use as part of our libraries.
And as I touched on it in the demonstration.
Well, once these unknown items that are not on my site,
sorry, are not in my library, that are on my site.
Part of the validate library tool
looks for clusters of similar items
and then identifies the ones for you
which we don’t have an explanation for
that not in our library.
Then it’s up to you to go out,
collect some ground truth.
We identify which one is the most similar.
If you’re going to dig any of them up,
at least dig that one up.
Figure out what it is
and then there’s a tool where we can
add the item to our library as either a target of interest
or not a target of interest.
And then it will be used in the classifications
We have a number of quality control tests
because we want to make sure that the data
that we base our classification decisions on
is of the highest quality possible.
You don’t have time to go into those today,
but these have been developed to prevent common issues
and have all come from user feedback.
And there’s some,
it says those are the three main ones there.
How do we know this stuff works?
Oh, wait, sorry.
As you saw there,
the database tables can be easily exported out of
Oasis Montaj and then used in your reports.
All the plots that we generate are also saved as PNG files
so that you can then easily print them off,
include them in an appendix if you want to do that
and to share them among project stakeholders.
So how do we know that these things work?
Well we can look at something called
a receiver operating characteristic curves.
For a number of the demonstration projects of being done
while testing this types of technology.
They went and dug up all the items on the site
to see how successful the classification was.
So just there,
we have a sort of schematic of a rank dig list.
Red items are high confidence TOI,
yellow, most likely TOI and go on and dig them up
and then green high confidence none TOI.
Perfect classification, we would see a nice L
as shown on the left there or in the middle.
And if we just did a random guess 50, 50 guess,
you’d get something like a 45-degree line
on a one of these plots.
There is a tool in UX-Analyze.
If you want to do this to help calculate or create these
receiver operating characteristic or rock curves.
And from a couple of examples of the demonstration projects.
You can see, not quite at that sort of,
you know, perfect L-shape, but we’re pretty close
on some of them.
Some of these don’t go through zero by the way,
is because they asked for examples.
I hear they went and dug up some items to help them learn
or train the classification system.
So that’s how we know that we can reliably go and detect
and classify munitions or targets of interest
based on a geophysical response.
So in summary, today we’ve taken a look at
what is Advanced Geophysical Classification,
how we can use the EM response
to determine intrinsic property of the source,
the polarizabilities.
And those polarizabilities can be used for classification,
both whether it’s just a simple
matching to a physical property,
like size, shape, wall thickness.
Or actually using the signature mapping.
At the beginning there we saw how using
a method of classification
and being able to eliminate the clutter items.
We could reduce our excavation costs
and saving time and money on our projects.
We took a little bit of a look at dynamic
using dynamic advanced EM data
that gives you an improved target detection
and positioning over the conventional sensors
but you can use conventional sensors for the dynamic phase
is perfectly okay.
You’ll find you just have a few more re-shorts
when you’re doing your static classification survey.
And it’s possible with the static survey data
to reliably classify sources of geophysical anomalies
whether it’s a target of interest or not.
If you’d like to learn more about
Advanced Geophysical Classification,
we’ve got a couple online resources for you.
Going to their, there’s some papers and other presentations
that we’ve done and other examples.
If you’d like training, contact your local office,
so we can do remote training these days
or at some point set up a in-person training.
There is some material online
where you can go and also register for
some of our other training sessions.
Of course there is our support line
which you can read through a direct email
or through our website.
So hopefully you found this interesting and useful,
and I’d like to thank you for your time today.
And there’s my email again if you didn’t catch it earlier,
and thanks for your time
and hope you have a nice day.