The Imago handheld rig is a solution to capture consistent high-quality photographs on the field using Imago Mobile app.

Sourced by Dynamics G-EX this phone case guarantees a fixed position of the mobile phone producing a photograph of great quality. It also has an internal light source to achieve consistent light conditions.

A universal mobile phone holder is mounted on the newly designed holder base. With this holder, the mobile phone can go forward and backward, and rotate around the holder center, which allows any mobile phone to fit the device. LED light is secure on the side.

It also has a variation to capture samples directly on the ground, in an ergonomic and fast way.

Additional to the 3D printed phone case, and its internal light source, it has a Bluetooth shooter, so you can capture high-quality photographs in the field consistently and comfortably.

It is made out of lightweight, resistant materials. Perfect for field use.
This handheld rig + Imago Mobile app is perfect to capture
- RC Chips
- Blastholes
- Soil samples
- Outcrops
Or any other geological imagery of interest.
Once the image is captured with Imago Mobile App it will be uploaded into the Imago Portal for you to be able to visualize it and work with it.

You can visualize them by depth Interval, useful in the case of RC Chips, or on a 2D map, useful for Soils Samples, Blastholes, etc.