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I have checked out a GeoStudio licence for 1, 7, 14 or 30 days and I want to return it back to the pool so another user can use it.

If you have checked out a seat for a specific amount of time and want to return it early you can do so by:

  1. Right Clicking the Seequent Connector icon
  2. Select “Check in Subscriptions”
  3. Tick the licenses you want to return
  4. Select Check In

Unless you are going out into the field or need a seat for several days, it is recommended that you check out a seat using the “While app is running”  option, this way when you exit/close GeoStudio the seat will be returned to the shared pool so another user can leverage it.

NOTE: in some situations, a seat may take up to 15 minutes before another user can check it out.

An alternative solution is to reach out to your GeoStudio Admin for assistance, if they are unavailable and another user still cannot sign in reach out to Seequent Support at [email protected] for assistance.

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