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I want to import an image as a curved long section.

It is not yet possible to do so within a click, but here is a workaround that might help.

You will first need to create a vertical surface and then use it to drape the image on.

1) Creating a vertical surface (This can be done in two different ways depending on the version you are using). 
The first step consists in importing or creating the line your section needs to follow.
Afterward, you create the surface either with a fault creation or with the extrude mesh tool.

Solution a: Creating surface from the new extrude tool

a. Right-click on the Meshes folder and select the New extrude tool;
b. Select the lines previously created/imported and the mode section select the height you want for your section (Z min and Z max; Top/Bottom or Forward/Backward, depending on where your line sits in the scene)
c. Once you are satisfied with your extruded surface, you can right-click on it and extract the mesh part.
d. Repeat as needed.

Solution b: Creating surface from the fault tool (in version anterior to Leapfrog 2021.2)

a. Create a geological model covering the expected area, set Z to be around the section’s Z values. (If you plan to break up the sections, create the XY extent to match this);
b. In the geological model’s fault system, create one or more faults as vertical walls from your line(s)
c. Extract the created fault surface to the mesh folder (right-click -> extract mesh parts)
d. Repeat as needed

Part 2: Draping images to surface

  1. Right-click the newly extracted Mesh representing the section you want to import.
  2. Select Drape Image -> Import and select the desired image.
  3. Georeference as needed
  4. Repeat for each mesh section.

Some distortion of the images will happen depending on the magnitude of the curve and the number of sections used.

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