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Discover Seequent Central - a cloud-hosted system that lets you stay connected as a team to make confident decisions together, wherever you are.

Central enables you not only to track, manage, and version control your geoscientific data but provides a virtual environment in which your team members and other project stakeholders can effectively visualise and review models, exchange ideas, and define the next steps in near real-time. Learn how Central can help you in optimising existing workflows through coordinated data sharing and save digital storage space & time through our Cloud technology.



Clare Baxter
Technical Sales Advisor, Energy – Seequent


51 min

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Video Transcript

<v Clare>Hello.</v>

My name is Clare Baxter

and I am the technical sales advisor, Energy

for the Europe and Africa regions.

Today, I am coming to you from my home office,

as I’m sure many of you are listening to this

from your home office.

And I guess the big question that we have to ask ourselves

with the huge change of environment that we have been given

is how can we continue to work as productively

and as effectively remotely

as what we always did hitting into the office each day.

I know that for the geothermal industry,

this is not something that is always new.

We continuously are challenged anyway,

with having to work with teams

in a range of different locations,

whether it’s in the office,

on their rig site or in different countries.

But I guess now the situation of which we are faced

has been heightened.

And the big question at Seequent

is how can we support you in order to create and continue

this collaborative environment that is needed?

This is where Central comes in.

And for us,

it is the way in which we see we can assist your teams

in continuing to work remotely.

Seequent’s vision is to enable you

to make better decisions about the earth environment

and energy challenges.

In order for us to be able to do that,

we need to understand the decision processes that take place

and effectively what this entails.

The foundation of a decision,

particularly in the geoscience area is data.

And the understanding around that data.

Now, in a geothermal project,

this data typically comes in the form

of many different disciplines,

geology, geochemistry, geophysical data among others.

And it can also be collected

by a huge range of different stakeholders

from the operators, consultants, researchers and others.

It’s important,

particularly in this day and age

for us to be able to take advantage of modern developments

that we then place this data into a digital format

and we send it through or use software

to then make additional interpretations.

Throughout all of these steps,

we want to make sure that we consistently work,

within a collaborative environment,

so we can truly take advantage

of every each and other skillsets.

This is what’s really hard,

particularly when we’re working remotely.

How can we truly be effective as a team,

especially when we can’t see each other face-to-face

or meet each other around the same screen?

And in addition,

the data that, that team works with needs to be accessible

and also accessible at the right time,

so that you have the right information

when you actually need it.

And of course,

later on in order to support that decision

and to also ensure that the due diligence aspect

of the project is meet,

the analysis and information needs to be auditable.

When working remotely,

whether it’s on the drill site,

in the field or in the head office

or as we face right now,

working from your home office,

two of the most important aspects

is to have access to your team members

and to have access to all of the data

that you need to be able to do your work

and to make this effective.

This access needs to be organized

and stored in a manner which is managed,

easily found and completely integrated

with each of your different departments

and each of your different team members,

so that you can obtain

and collaborate with your team members

to share that knowledge and experience

that each one of you hold within you.

For a lot of the time when we speak with many of you,

we get the feedback that right now this is absolute chaos.

And that is really hard for us to be able to have access

to the data really easily,

as well as the knowledge from our team members

to create that collective analysis

that is really needed to base our decisions.

And the other part to this is the importance to have access

or everyone to have access to a single version of the truth,

rather than the version of the truth,

being set in your personal desktop computers

or whether it be an external hard drive or on the server.

And what we see is

as this starts to come collectively together,

we have easy access to be able to formulate the decisions

on the most relevant and up-to-date data.

Not only is it the technical realm

that needs to have access to the data,

but it’s the entire ecosystem

that surrounds a geothermal project

and in order for a geothermal project to be successful,

the information associated with the subsurface,

needs to flow freely from C-level,

all the way through to the technical team,

back up again and just as commonly out to stakeholders,

whether they are internal or external to the project.

And by completely opening up this flow of information,

we start to see open up how different components,

within the organization can collaborate together.

And it’s by opening up this collaboration

that it gives us the opportunity

to really gain a return on the investment

and to have success within that investment.

It’s for this reason that we created Central

for organizations to work more effectively

and ultimately to gain the competitive advantage.

So, what is Central?

Central is a cloud hosted system,

which allows you to manage your models

and scientific data in a single environment.

Within this environment,

you have the opportunity to version track information

and consistently update information

with time while actively communicating on it.

So, you also have the chance to actively view, comment,

analyze models and data to make decisions together on it.

Well, all the while keeping the intelligence,

around all of these processes and steps auditable.

We essentially have the opportunity to go back in time

and to understand or to remember why decisions were made

at certain points of time.

Central becomes the way

in which we can visualize our conceptual models.

And it brings all different teams together,

as it doesn’t where you’re located,

whether it’s at the project site,

whether it’s on the other side of the world

or whether it’s simply working from your home offices.

And it brings people together

who might typically work in silos,

such as drillers, reservoir engineers, consultants,

all the way through to investors,

possible governments and municipalities,

communities and project managers all in the one place,

which is Central.

With collaboration at the forefront of our minds,

Seequent recognizes that different individuals,

use different software package.

And it’s for that reason that we equipped Central

with a data room.

This is a space where you can store any type of data.

So, if you have models or meshes,

coming from other software packages,

you can store them here along with maybe GIS objects,

your well data or whatever it is that you have

that is project specific.

And if it’s a mesh then,

and if it’s a mesh that Leapfrog recognizes,

then you have the ability to integrate it directly

from the data room into your modeling environment

of Leapfrog Geothermal.

So, when working from home,

especially during peak Netflix time

or remotely from areas with the bandwidth

is definitely decreased

and we see an issue with transferring large projects,

can be very time consuming, not very effective.

With Central,

we have the ability to actively view

and analyze those models in a very light environment.

In addition,

you have the opportunity to only upload and download

the incremental changes from one version to the next.

So, what this means

is that instead of uploading an entire project,

every single time for someone to access,

you’re simply publishing and uploading the work

that you did in that incremental change.

That not only allows you to save time and bandwidth,

it also allows you to assure efficient use of your space

of where these models are actually stored.

And this also works in the reverse.

So, when you download a project

and you’re also only download

the updated incremental changes to your hard drive.

So, how does it actually work?

Central has three different gateways

for which you can access your data

and visualize the information

that is placed into the cloud hosted system.

One of the first gateways

is one many of you are familiar with,

being Leapfrog Geothermal,

where you can actively publish

or download and upload into the cloud hosted space.

Also it’s a space

where you can actively pull other people’s objects,

such as clay cap boundaries into your model

and integrate them directly,

into the conceptual model itself.

The browser is the communication platform

and this can be seen in some ways

as the heart of the entire Central environment

that we’ve created.

It’s the communication platform

where you have the opportunity

to open your model first thing in the morning

and realize what everybody has been up to.

It’s here where we have the opportunity

to visualize the models,

visualize our colleagues models

and to annotate them or within the 3D environment.

This allows us to truly discuss

what the next steps are in the modeling process.

And last gateway that we have is the Central Portal.

It has two particular purposes to it.

The first is to give your colleagues access to the projects

and to securely state how they’re going to integrate

with these projects or collaborate with these projects.

Because as we know,

security is something that’s very important,

particularly if we are going to be sharing our projects

with third parties.

The portal is a web environment,

so it is easily accessible by everyone,

even if they’re not necessarily a part of your company

as I did mention,

you want to share your projects with consultants,

you do have the ability to give them permission to do so

and you’re not necessarily giving them access

to your entire server

or having to connect directly,

into your company’s personal server.

It’s also where you can access

the project specific data room,

which I’ve already touched on.

And this allows you as well to directly integrate

with the Leapfrog environment.

So, we’re going to take the next little while,

having a look at all of these different components

and how we navigate them

as well as how we can actively integrate our workflows

and the flow of our data from one to the other,

bringing it all together.

Coming into the Central browser.

And the browser is a desktop application

which creates the environment as a communication platform

or the communication environment within Central.

The first thing that we do when we come in

is we want to sign in with my Seequent ID

and then this will populate all of the different servers

that we have been given permission to access.

To connect we simply click on it

and this will populate the number of projects

that you have available within your Central Portal.

These are all grouped based on location.

So, to come in

and look into one in a little bit more detail,

we simply click on it.

This is going to open up our history tab

and the history tab gives us a broad overview

of the entire audit history to the progress of the model.

Here we have the dots on the left-hand side

and each one of these points represents a version

of that project in time.

We then have a full commentary associated

with each of these projects,

which allow us to have a quick reference

to understand why these decisions have been made.

The other really useful thing is the stage label.

And this is something that is completely customizable

to your workflows and your company’s specific categories

that you choose to set up.

The benefit of the stage label once again

is you can use it for this audit process

and progress of a project

as it moves through the different stages,

within the organization.

So, on the far left hand side,

you do see we have a branching structure.

And typically what was found with most of our clients

is we tend to have a master’s project approach

on left-hand side here.

And then from this master project,

we end up with these different branches

and these branches are useful for many different things.

In particular,

it allows us to pinpoint or separate out to be able to focus

on different aspects,

different purposes of why it is

that we’re building our models.

For example,

it could be that we want to separate our project out,

into different locations

or small scale models compared to the regional scale model.

It could be as in this example,

we want to separate out our project,

into different disciplines,

so that we have different groups such as the geophysicist,

having their own branch or model,

the geologists, the well planners.

And then in the master’s project,

all of these different disciplines,

can end up coming together to work in the same space.

Or alternatively,

particularly when we get these very large scale projects,

complex projects,

we can utilize Central

to strip down the different aspects that are important,

such as hypothesis testing

and only pull out the actual information or data

that’s important to be able to achieve that.

On the right hand side,

we have more detail about these projects.

So for example,

we can see all the different objects

which are available to view and we can come in

and we can have a look at a summary

of the detail that’s available for us to look at.

We also see a summary of our annotations

and this is a commentary of everything that has

or the conversations that have taken place

at this point in time.

So, it means that one year from now,

you’ll be able to look back

and you’ll be able to understand why that decision

has taken place.

If we click on this,

it would take us to our 3D environment

and the visualization of our objects in 3D

is very similar to what you may be familiar with

in Leapfrog.

The benefit of this is

it means that all of our conversations

that we have in those annotations,

are taking place once again in that 3D place,

rather than continuing moving from 3D to 2D and back again,

which can be quite confusing at times.

We have the ability to reply to our colleagues comments

or alternatively we can create our own thread of comments.

And these comments,

can take place around a 3D coordinate or location,

meaning that you don’t have to write out

these full paragraphs trying to explain exactly the location

that you’re wanting to talk about.

For example,

having to create a name for a fault

or describe exactly what fault it is

that you’re wanting to discuss the offset on.

The other aspect that we have

is the ability to add in annotations.

And this allows us to upload all of the reports

or all of the documents as you can see,

which support the conversations

that have taken place around them.

We also have the ability to link in to URLs, to websites

or to serves for quick reference to the data as well.

And one of the benefits that we’ve found of the annotations

is our customers have actually been really creative

in the way in which they’ve implemented this.

And some of them have even taken it to the point

where it’s a full reporting feature

and there’s been able to go completely paperless.

On the left-hand side,

it allows us to review our models.

So, we can look at our objects

and for those of you as I mentioned,

who are used to working with Leapfrog,

this should be reasonably familiar to you.

We can turn on objects.

The extra advantage of the Central browser

is it allows you to export your data.

And we can see that we have the ability

to export this data in a huge range of different formats.

This opens up a lot of possibilities

in terms of the working relationship

that you have with people who typically work

in other software or outside of the company.

And it’s particularly handy

if you’re wanting to share your models with consultants,

with partners or companies who are required to review

the progress that you’ve made on your project

or simply internal customers

who are using external software.

The added advantage of incorporating time into the browser

is also the ability to compare

how it has changed through time

and the auditability that comes with that.

At the bottom,

we can click and we can see how these objects

or how this whole project has changed with time.

And because it is not having to upload

or publish all of the objects all the time,

it’s simply caches those objects,

it means that it’s generally really fast in download speeds.

The other part of collaboration and comparing,

can be found up at the top.

And this allows us to compare two iterations

of the same models with time.

So, for example here I can see I have the project before

and then I’ll just turn off the topography.

Here we can see the endosite as well as the wells.

And we can see those objects,

the wells which were drilled prior

and those which we’ll drill during the drilling campaign,

very recent drilling campaign.

And we can see straight away the impact

that change has had on the endosite in this case

or on the volume of our lithology

and on the understanding of our conceptual model.

And naturally the next thing

that you’re going to be wanting to do from here

is to communicate and discuss that with your colleagues.

So, we have the ability to add in annotations within this.

So, to summarize,

the browser is the space for our communication

to take place.

It’s also the main place where you can quickly go

and have a look at the audit trail,

the changes and understanding

or remembering why those decisions had taken place

at that point in time.

So, the next thing that I’m going to do

is I’m going to take you into the portal

and the web portal will allow us to have a look

at the administration aspect of Central.

So, this is now opening up my web browser,

because the Central Portal is hosted on a website.

And if you remember the portal has two applications,

the first one is the administrator aspect of it,

where we can come in and manage all of our different users.

We can also invite new users through the Seequent ID

to participate within the modeling community that we have.

And we can securely define how each person

has access to each of the individual projects that we have.

We can come in and define for them to be a viewer.

So, this is someone who will have access

to all of the browser capabilities and functionality

that I’ve just taken you through.

It’s someone who wants to analyze

and make comments on the model like a project manager

or it could also be a third party

who you’re wanting to share the project with.

To an extent it could also be for example,

the funding managers and organizations

who you are connecting and sharing the progress

of your model with

and the produce of your project with.

The other type is an editor or a project owner.

And this is your modeler.

This is someone who is using and connecting,

integrating with Central, with Leapfrog Geothermal,

they will be doing the modeling process

and then publishing the different iterations

and the different versions

that you saw in the branching structure with time

as the project continues.

The second aspect is the finding information associated

with the project.

So, if they come down to exactly the same project

that we were looking at earlier on and as I mentioned,

this is a mining example of the project,

but what we first get is a broad overview

of the different components,

just as we saw in the browser associated

with what has happened within this project.

The aspect I want to show you here with the Central Portal

is this Files tab.

And this is the data room that we were talking about.

We can set up and structure this any way we want.

We have the ability to create folders

and upload any type of data that we have associated

with that project.

So, you can kind of think of it similar to the way

in which you may use Dropbox.

If we come in

and we click through some of these file structure

that we have,

the added bonus that we get with the data room

is we can store our files with version control,

meaning that our objects

or our files are essentially place one on top of the other,

based on the latest iteration of that project.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you don’t remove the access

to when you have the older versions.

We can see here,

we can still access,

we can still download

and open up all of those different files,

but the benefit and the efficiencies that we gain in this

is we have the ability

to now find what is the latest version of that file.

The other part is the link that we have

with the data room to Leapfrog Geothermal.

Now at this stage,

this is with all of our meshes or our surfaces objects

that we have uploaded into the data portal.

And through Leapfrog Geothermal,

we can pull these directly

from the data room into our model project.

And because we have this version control

and this history associated with those meshes

in the data room,

it means that we get notified as the modelers

if there is a new version that has been updated

and we can very, very quickly

and efficiently update that surface,

within the modeling environment

to the latest version that has been brought in

to the data room.

And this is what I’m going to take you through now.

The third gateway that I’m going to be taking you through

is the integration of our modeling software,

Leapfrog with Central.

And this is how all of the active modelers will publish

and look at those projects that are stored within Central.

Once again,

the first thing that we need to do

is we need to sign into our Seequent ID

and then this will populate all the servers

that you have access to.

We click on it and it will connect into the Central server.

And this will highlight,

all of the different active Central projects

that you have available set out into the groups,

based off the different locations.

So, let’s go back into our geothermal systems project.

And we see here,

we have exactly the same project history

and with the auditability and the tree,

all of the comments that we did see,

through our entire interaction with this project in Central.

And one of the other benefits that we see in this tab,

within Leapfrog is all of those annotations,

collaboration and comments that have been made

by our colleagues,

also come through into the Leapfrog environment.

So, it means not only does the modeling

and communication take place in 3D,

but also that communication back to the modeler,

can take place in 3D as well.

So, you can click on this

and it will take you to exactly the same environment

in which the person was looking at

when they were making the comment.

And then you can do your analysis on it.

Maybe make some changes to the model

and reply back to your colleagues.

So, they can have a look at the work that you have done.

The other thing we have set up within here

and I’ve talked a little bit about this before,

are the different branches

and I guess the different purposes to these branches.

Within this project,

we have it set up,

based off the different disciplines as such,

associated with the geothermal model or project.

For example,

we have a master geology or conceptual model branch

and then coming off this we have a geophysics branch

and we also have a well planning branch

and then we have the drilling branch.

So, in this case,

while the drilling has taken place,

we see the small iterations and changes to the model

or the conceptual model

as new data has been added in very quickly.

And the benefit of Central in the workflows

that I’m about to show you

is that you can completely leverage off,

having this as a separate branch

to then incorporate it back into the master’s project,

once you finished the proper analysis and QC

to all of that data.

This really does allow you

to take that full representation

of your colleagues’ work into your own project

and in your environment that you’re working on,

without having to do all of that work once again,

and almost start from scratch.

So, the first thing that we’re going to do

is obviously download the project.

So, when we work on Central,

we actually store the project

that we’re doing the modeling on,

on our local hard drive.

And this completely removes any issues

that you may have with bandwidth

and any challenges that you may have with misconnections.

This also means that the only time

that you need to have that connection with Central

is when you are publishing that project back.

So, when are you going to come in and have a look

at the model and here I have a lithology model,

which has been completed and sourced by my,

from the model, sorry, that my colleague has done.

And this is all completed within the Meshes folder.

So, what we have when we right click now

is an important mesh from Central option.

And this allows us to go into any project

that we have in Central

and select meshes from that project.

So, I can go into any branch

that my colleagues have been working on

and I can select any mesh from those projects.

Alternatively, I also have a direct link into the data room

and I can import at the bottom here,

any of the formats that we accept

from those meshes files located within the data room.

And I’ve already set some up for you.

We see here that we have the sub folders,

allowing us to organize it.

We have some lithology,

which has been imported from my colleagues model

and I also have some fault surfaces,

which have also been imported from my colleagues model.

I’ve then been able to take with this lithology

and completely build another GM,

within my Leapfrog environment.

And this has been built directly from those surfaces.

And here in the same,

we can see the output volumes from those.

The benefit of this

and one of the biggest benefits of Central

is it recognizes when there is a different version

or a newer version available of those objects.

So, we notice here that we have the little clock

on these meshes

and this means that there is a newer version of that mesh,

where my colleagues gone in and did some work,

further work on that mesh.

And I can simply bring the newer version into my model

and it will dynamically update everything

that is associated with it.

And I do this by right clicking on it.

And I can either select the latest version of that mesh

or I can select from any other version of that surface

that is located within the project tree.

And this opens up a huge range of different workflows.

For example,

we might have the geophysicist working on all of their data,

but then I might want to incorporate the analysis

or the clay cap into my project

to gain the understanding of it.


I may be the reservoir engineer

and I might want to bring in all the geology model

or the temperature data that has been built into my model

and use this to then inform the evaluations

or the rock types in the TOUGH2 grid

that we have with the integration with TOUGH2.

Or I could simply be planning a well

and bring in from the masters project

or the geology project once again,

all the different aspects that are important,

the areas that we’re wanting to target

and plan my well within Leapfrog.

Then as time continues,

maybe six months, maybe a year,

I can then come in and update the model.

And it is all dynamically linked throughout the project.

Just like anything else that we have within Leapfrog.

So, once we’ve made changes to our project,

we then want to publish back into Central.

And for this,

the first thing that we need to do

is we need to choose what are the different objects

that we want people to be able to see within the browser.

And so if I come into the browser,

let me show you the browser once again,

these are all of the options

that I can give my colleagues and my peers,

the ability to look at and analyze within the same.

So, I have full control over the security

or even just paring down and tidying up.

What are the different aspects

that I’m wanting to portray in the browser to my colleagues?

We then need to choose the stage

and in this case,

I’m just going to select an experimental stage.

And then we have the option of publishing

the geothermal project or simply just the objects.

And once again,

this is all related to the size

and how much data you’re actually wanting to publish.

When we do choose to publish the project,

there are some really smart technology

that has been put in place.

Not only does it compact the project quite significantly,

but we have the ability

to also publish an unprocessed project,

which completely downsizes

the size of that project even further.

From here, we then choose the branch

if we just going to publish the next stage

or next version of that project

or if we’re going to branch out from that

and this is something that you can get in contact with us

and we can help you work through

and really starting to understand exactly

what that workflow could look like

or recommend to look like for,

to help you in making those decisions.

Obviously we put in some comments about our thoughts

and the reasons why we’ve gone in

and done what we have done

and then this will publish up to Central.

So, that takes us to the end of our demonstration.

And to summarize what we have covered a little bit,

Central focuses on creating the collaboration

in version control environment.

It allows you to build a new culture,

amongst your team members,

particularly when working remotely.

And the Central browser in particular,

along with the annotations within the 3D space,

allow you to truly keep everyone actively connected

and create a community despite everyone being elsewhere.

It gives you an idea of consistent updates

and always lets you know when changes have taken place.

And it’s because of this

that you can really create a consistent audit trail,

around all of these decisions that need to happen.

Part of the new culture,

can look at how you test different ideas and peer review.

We have the ability of setting up different stages

of monitoring of our projects

and the different stages of modeling.

So, we can see here that someone is working on the project

and then once they have peer reviewed

and finally QC-ed all of the data,

we then have the final update that has been approved.

And once again, this process can repeat itself.

We also have the ability

to specify completely different workspaces.

So, over on the right,

we have the scenario testing workflow

where we have some branches

that people have tested different ideas

and looked at different conceptual models

of the subsurface.

And in the end after discussions have taken place,

understanding of all of the data,

they have then decided on one major branch.

The other workflows that we’re seeing

with the ability to separate out our individual workspaces

is the collaboration and integration

of different disciplinary teams.

So, here we have an example on the left

where we have our reservoir engineering team,

communicating and collaborating with the geological model

or the geoscience team.

We have a main branch,

which is the geological conceptual model.

And then as the flow simulations have been brought in

and integrated into the Leapfrog model,

we can see the different thinking process

and different hypothesis testing

and have a look at the difference.

So, what we can see here is the main branch,

we have the geological model,

which is not only used as the pre-processing stage.

We can also see the integration and importing

of the completed run flow simulation into the 3D space.

Now, here we can see,

we have different scenario testing of those numerical models

and also the different comparison,

during the history matching process.

The other very common workflow that we do see

is the integration between the geoscience team

and the drilling.

And for this,

not only is it important during the well planning phase

to have you communicating and collaborating a lot better,

but during drilling,

it means we can do these interim updates very, very quickly

and easily with our model.

And as I said in the morning,

the next day you can come in and you can quickly have a look

and see what the updates

of the previous days drilling have been

to then actively make any new decisions

that need to be made while you’re drilling.

And of course,

what we also have is the ability to truly cross collaborate

by introducing someone else’s work into the project

with a live link.

Now, I’ve already gone through the example

where we can bring in the drilling information,

into a master project

or we can also bring

in the reservoir engineering information.

Here, we see that we have our geophysical information.

So, it could be that we incorporate the clay cap

or that we incorporate infield faults,

into our master project.

At Seequent we’re always trying to think about what is next

and what more can we develop

to enable you to make those decisions

that you need to make more effectively and efficiently.

In terms of Central,

the biggest focus for us is around the collaboration

and communication aspects that it brings.

And so here you can see a little bit of a sneak peek

to what we are going to bring out

in the April-May release coming out in a few weeks.

And the big thing for this is the notifications.

So, you will have the ability to structure

and set up the way in which you are being notified

to any changes that take place

with your projects within Central.

It means that you can come in

and you can choose to receive notifications,

associated with either revisions or branches,

the collaborations or annotations

as well as the different users.

And you can also personalize this,

based off the different projects that you have.

This is really important,

because it could be that you are actively focusing

on one specific project,

which you want to see the updates for.

And the others you might not necessarily be as important

or as focused on at that point in time.

And so we don’t necessarily want to clog up your emails

or make you overwhelmed with everything that is happening.

You can also choose

how you receive each of these notifications,

whether it’s through the app or whether it’s via your email.

So, that concludes our webinar for today.

If you do have any questions

or you are interested in seeing

how Central can help support

and create the collaborative environment

that was spoken about within your organization,

please feel free to reach out

to any of our Geothermal Energy representatives,

around the world.

And if you do want to know a little bit more information,

you can also go to our website,

Thank you for your time and for joining us today.

And we hope to be able to see you again,

next time at Seequent.