To use Seequent Products your organization may need to allow the following domains:
For accessing seequent websites in a browser (e.g. MySeequent) and downloading updates or documents (e.g. files. updates.)
For use from web browsers – signing into web apps including My Seequent.
For desktop apps and machines to use – for license-token and access tokens – will be used by Geosoft Connect and the Leapfrog Desktop products for Authentication.
This is for desktop apps and machines to use. It enables selection of Seequent ID-based licenses for Leapfrog desktop products, and is needed for Seequent ID authorization. Geosoft products get authorization from the current end-point.
This allows for our notifications service to deliver in app message for users via the notifications queue.
This is for running inversions using Voxi Earth Modelling
This is for Azure Maps (Bing Imagery)