Lyceum 2021 | Together Towards Tomorrow
Aprenda cómo está trabajando el equipo de obra de Solgold Australia PLC en Ecuador para comprender los sistemas de pórfido en Cascabel (proyecto Alpala) utilizando una combinación de soluciones de Seequent.
Han creado Leapfrog Edge para que se conecte directa y dinámicamente con el proyecto Leapfrog Geo, lo que le permite actualizarse rápidamente con información nueva y producir estimaciones de recursos en vivo. El uso de Seequent Central para la gestión de modelos apoya una fuente de verdad única, confiable y compartida, que la oficina central en Brisbane y el equipo en el terreno en Ecuador pueden usar para colaborar en tiempo real.
Stephen Law
Senior Technical Lead, Seequent
Benn Whistler
Technical Services Manager, SolGold plc
30 min

Find out more in our free webinar, how to reduce geological uncertainty with implicit modeling
Lyceum 2021[00:00:10.859]
thank you everybody for joining us on
Lyceum 21 today,
my name is Ben whistler, I’m tech
services Manager with sold gold
and everybody my name’s steve law and I’m
senior technical lead for geology
with sequins
and then is going to start the presentation.
So today we will describe
how utilization of
sequence um Central
server and leapfrog
geo and leapfrog edge software
has enabled sold gold
to implement a systematic process
for updating
um real time geological
models and the
associated mineral resource
Um and
so as you can see uh
the title of the presentation
suggests that it’s the integration of
sequence leapfrog geo and leapfrog edge
to systematize internal resource
um at the Kampala for free
copper gold deposit in cascabel,
which is in Northern Ecuador and it’s also
being applied to other projects held by the
company in Ecuador, some of which are nearing
resource estimation stage
as we speak
next slide,
uh sole goal is fueling this sustainable
future with copper. The world needs copper
and the casket. Bell copper gold
project in Northern Ecuador
is the flagship of sole Goal PLC,
which is a leading exploration company
focused on the discovery definition
and development
of world class copper gold deposits.
In 2018
sold gold was recognized by mines
and money for him as an example of
excellence in the industry
and continues to strive to deliver objectives
sufficiently and in the interests of shareholders.
Sole goal is the largest and most
active uh concession
holder in Ecuador
and we aggressively explore
the length and breadth of
the entire country, which is highly
a portion of the Andean
Sell Gold holds an 85%
registered and beneficial interest in answer
The Cascabel licenses 100%
owned by answer and sole goal is
listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and
also the London Stock Exchange.
Uh The situation, so here
we are in Northern Ecuador um
The project is hosted within ECE
and rocks of the Andean copperbelt
and that particular medalla
genic sequence is responsible for
large percentages of the world’s copper
and gold. The Apollo deposit is
sold gold flagship asset and
it’s actually one of the largest independent
copper and gold development assets
globally and regarded widely
as a tier one
exploration success
and probably one of the top three
copper and gold projects on
the planet. In the last decade
we’re very proud of.
The current shareholder register reflects
significant interest in cascabel
amongst major mining houses including
BHP and Newcrest major shareholders.
The al Paula deposit is located
within the western cordillera of
Ecuador, which again
is in the heavily endowed and in copperbelt.
Um And in fact
the indian culpability is renowned as the
base for nearly half the world’s copper production.
The project area at
castel hosts mineralization
of sn age within sn
aged intrusions. Um
And this is also the same age as numerous
Tier one deposits throughout
the indian papa belt particularly
uh of note, some of the giant
Chilean deposits
to the south. Uh The
Apollo deposit lies central
to a cluster
of essen aged poor freeze,
which is fairly typical
um of large deposits
And um a number
of prospects also exist within
that cluster, including the Taniyama America
and Aguinaga, poor free copper
and gold deposits. And we
as a company have completed over
260,000 m
of diamond drilling at the basketball
project thus far
using directional diamond drilling techniques.
And that much drilling has brought us very
close to um completion
of pre feasibility studies,
you know, uh
now in terms of modeling
workflows and hosting
all the data within one
major project, which is what we’re doing at
the moment.
Um the site team is continually
engaged in advancing the understanding
of poor free systems at cascabel
and a combination of sequence solutions
using leapfrog geo and leapfrog
edge with sequin central
of course
um are in use now
using secret sequence central
for model management means
that projects are shared amongst the team,
our team of geoscientists and
this single source of truth
um allows
beneficial discourse between,
say a management group that might be in
London or Brisbane and
the site team in Ecuador
a key component has been leapfrog
Edge and
internal resource estimations
which the company performs
and leapfrog Edge has an
extension is actually an extension
to Electoral geo and so Edge
links directly and dynamically with
electoral geo project which is where all
the models are
and it means it can rapidly update
with new information as drilling continues,
enabling the team to produce
what really could be called real time
resource estimations.
Um geologists are able to simply
publish an updated leapfrog
geo project
utilizing the latest trillion data
to central and then open the
link estimation leapfrog
edge project
and basically just right click
on any of the measures that have been updated.
For example domain shells and
upload the latest
geology model from that branch into the
estimation project.
So what that does for us is a dynamically
runs a resource estimate for us.
The remaining quality control required
thereafter is to review the vari
ah graffiti and and estimation search
parameters of course and
finalized model validation and
and there we go we have a quality outcome for
internal reviews. Obviously
if you’re a mid tier
and growing company like sole goal
that that’s made a significant discovery
and you’re in the spotlight. Um
the quality and results of a
mineral resource estimate,
especially early ones
um is absolutely critical. So
being able to have an early idea
um of what a mineral resource
estimate result might be a huge, hugely
beneficial for sole goal
as a company.
Um This is just a quick example
of what leapfrog can do. These are geological
of an open pit and underneath
a block cave at the el Pollo
deposit and on the right you can see
the alteration models. So
it’s just a nice visual to give you an idea
of how powerful leap from G. I can
be and
and there’s the integration with leapfrog edge
and so thank you for your
attention, I’ll hand over now
for the technical aspects
of the leapfrog edge and mineral
resource estimation with
steve Law, senior technical lead
geology at sequence.
Thanks Ben.
We first set up the edge model in september
2018 and
both the edge and leapfrog
geo models are held within sequence. Central
sequence Central has the capability of
doing quite a few different workflows
but we set up a fairly simple workflow
based on skill differentiation
in this case it meant we build a separate
geology branch and a separate
resource block model branch
in each one the geologist works on the
geology models and
the previous versions are
stored and recorded for all time
and the latest iteration is always
at the top of the branch
correspondingly in the estimation
branch we build
the block models and these are dynamically
linked across to the volumes
within the geology model. So as
the geology model gets updated,
we load the latest
uh domains across from there
into the estimation project.
And then the block model
will update
the dynamic linking functionality of leapfrog
Geo to leapfrog edge provides
a significant benefit in terms of the time
to update a resource estimate
combining with sequence. Central allows even
further productivity and collaboration
The setup can be used from the preliminary
economic assessment right through
and two including production.
Next slide, Please
talk a little bit about the actual
methodology behind
these processes. So the geology
model so cold usually from geo
to undertake three D. Geological modeling
at the Alcala deposit.
This work was based on hand drawn
cross sectional and level plan interpretations
of mythologies, intrusive
phases and courts for an abundance,
mythological modeling of intrusive phases
and host rocks as well as strata,
graphic modeling of volcanic host rocks,
the vein abundance modeling of B type quartz
and then there are mineralization models of copper
and gold at high medium
and low guide
grade, sorry, guidance envelopes
at different cutoffs of 1.50
point 70.15
copper equivalents percentages.
A lot of work into the geological
understanding. And it was a
consultant named steve Garwin, who is well known
in poor free deposits, used
the anaconda method to
work on the geometrical understanding
of the deposit and its internal timing
relationships between rock phases veins
and copper gold grades.
And this was collated into hand
drawn cross sections around 70
m spacings
on an orientated northeast and
centered upon a northwest trending baseline
Hand drawn level plans where it approximately
200 m levels throughout the deposit.
This work was then taken through
into the three D. modeling
of Leapfrog Geo and
the resultant volumes
were compared against the original cross sections,
et cetera and they match quite
um leapfrog geo allows you to
use the data inherently, but also
you can modify with
your own poly lines afterwards
to make the shapes as accurate
as you need to represent your deposit.
In the mythology model, the major rock types
of the cascabel tenement consists
of a tertiary sequence of anti Semitic
Lovas and volcano sedimentary
A series of horn blend bearing, die rights,
courts, die rights and total lights
intruded the volcano sedimentary sequence
as plate on stocks and diets.
Oh, drilling has defined
a northwest trending steeply northeast
dipping corridor known as the greater
el Pollo trend.
This trend is centered upon a sin mineralization,
causal courts, thyroid intrusion,
It’s referred to as QE 10 and
it’s cut by a series of intra mineralization
late and post mineralization stocks,
dikes and bridges
of die right horn blend. I write
court star, right tone light and
granted I right
intrusions have been placed episodically
such that each subsequent intrusion has
introduced mineral izing fluids.
And these are typically defined by
poor freeze type courts and courts. Self ID
They have re mobilised
existing mineralization or introduced
new criminalization and contributed
to localized over printing and destruction
of some pre existing mineralization.
The intrusions are typically in
place with the stock like geometry
that is elongate in the northwest
direction, but they can also have
vertical and lateral, extensive northwest
trending steeply dipping dyke
extensions beyond their stock
margins. Next slide
The geometry of the various pathologies
at Apollo is now well understood
and has been modeled from the job drilling
and it shows extensive self vertical
continuity and highly complex
intrusive relationships.
The application of the anaconda method to
geological mapping and drill core logging
identified a total of 31
likely intrusion phases,
And these were grouped into 18 major
rock groups which have been delineated
based on their mineral
realization phase and resource group.
All the major rock groups have been incorporated
into the three D. Geological model
of the al parla deposit.
A total of 20 major phases immunization
have been delineated based on relative
timing relationships and poor free
vein stages.
These have been simplified into 11
major rock groups which have been
put into the three D. Model
and they formed the major low grade,
medium grade and high grade stages of mineralization
at all Paula.
The majority of the copper and gold mineralization
was added to the system by the
courts derive or qd 10 intrusion
with supplementary editions through time
with the injection of the intra
mineralization, intrusive phases,
and there was only minor metal edition from
late mineralization and post mineralization
intrusions in the system.
Another important component of the
model is the vein abundance model.
The relationship between B type quartz
veins, abundance, and copper gold
and copper equivalent grades throughout the deposit
show a linear relationship between
grade and vain abundance,
And has been defined with selected examples
of .15%. Copper equivalence
.7 and 1.5%
equating 2.55%
the veins 4.1%
and for 9.4%
the veins respectively.
The most important indicators of
high grade mineralization include the presence
of an early stage courts, thyroid intrusion
containing all the early stage. For freestyle
vein types with elevated vein
abundance and an increased ratio
of chalco pyrite too paranoid.
These relationships are clearly evident when representing
B type, courts main abundance and
copper equivalent grades against each rock
type or group in a box and whisker
plot. Next
slide please.
So we’ve got a three D. Geological
mythology model and then we also
develop a mineralization model.
And this is used using the numeric modeling
capability of leapfrog. Geo
Mineralization at Alcala took place
immediately over approximately
800,000 years. From dating studies
conducted by Garwin album
Each of the 11 rock groups recognized
sequentially added its own stage of
port-related veiny and mineralization
to the intrusive complex and
these have been modeled sequentially with
later phases. Excising preexisting
Numeric models are run at three
different cutoffs. Copper equivalent
cutoffs for low medium and
high grade.
The key point in understanding the Al Pollo deposit
relates to the manner in which the geometric framework
of various pathologies and intrusive
bodies. Subsequently controlled the successive
geometries and donation of the poor french
style courts vein abundance.
And this correlates very
well with the distribution of copper
and gold.
Yeah. Next stage
please. Oops.
Yeah. So we have a underlying
mythology model and an underlying
method mineralization model,
leapfrog has a combined model
functionality where these two are joined together
and you end up with
multiple domains based
on grade and mythology.
These are the domains that are brought across from
the geology model via direct link
into the estimation project
using leapfrog central.
Yeah, estimation domains
have subsequently been identified
or simplified by combining the
model features in a manner which demonstrates
the relationship between grade and the
geological history of the deposit.
So they are based on geologic knowledge but
also using statistical
analysis. Using the concept of stationary
T leapfrogged
utilizes ordinary creaking
to estimate the domains.
The way the grouping has been set up is
that changes can be made easily in the
future. So if they’re different combinations
of required of the mineralization
and mythology volumes as
new information comes through, then
we can modify the process
within leapfrog edge
each of the domains. KZ two KZ KZ
002 KZ 10 are
independently run for copper,
gold, silver and molybdenum.
And that’s using ordinary creaking and
lead, zinc uranium using inverse
distance square.
And the final men resource estimate
is reported at multiple cut offs
on the copper equivalents
validation is a very important step
obviously. So we have the
capability of doing swath
plots and these are embedded within the bloc model
so that as the
uh new data is added. And
the underlying mythology and mineralization
models change. Then the swath plots
update as well. So you can readily
validate your data as well as being
able to visualize all the information
on the screen
and central stores the project timeline.
So a previous version of the block model
can be reviewed at any time
and then it’s going to just finish
off the presentation for us.
Thank you Stephen. Yes, it certainly
streamlines what is a
or could be viewed as a fairly complex
So overall we have the integration of
leapfrog edge estimation
software with leapfrog Geo
software and this has
been proven to allow
sold gold to
produce internal resource estimation
checks to be run dynamically
as new information is received
from the field
and in a nutshell leapfrog
it gives us the power to run our
own internal resource estimates
um which empowers
us to internally
audit the work performed
by independent consultants
and ensure they are being realistic.
It also gives us the advantage of
having a good idea of potential
outcomes of any given
resource estimate ahead of time,
which of course helps the company
gauge appropriate expectations.
So thank you all for listening
and thank you by CM 21.