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Thought leadership

The Antarctic secret that could swamp the world

The Antarctic secret that could swamp the world

The journey from ice to water seems simple. It’s a transformation even schoolchildren grasp. Yet apply it to polar ice ...
Not So Deep Heat

Not So Deep Heat

Shallow geothermal energy has been gaining traction as a clean energy source that avoids some of the challenges felt by ...
Liberating the world from an explosive legacy

Liberating the world from an explosive legacy

The role of geoscience in locating the unexploded bombs that claim lives, endanger workers and threaten construction across the world ...
Why offshore windfarms fear what lies on the seabed

Why offshore windfarms fear what lies on the seabed

Undersea unexploded ordnance (UXO) are a risk to windfarm construction in the UK’s North Sea, with a historical twist that ...
Ships, scrolls and speeding ice

Ships, scrolls and speeding ice

Five ways geoscience and geophysical surveys are unlocking secrets around the world. 1.Finding lost ships In search of historic wrecks ...
Managing the Data Risk Associated with 24 Active Drill Rigs

Managing the Data Risk Associated with 24 Active Drill Rigs

Managing the Data Risk Associated with 24 Active Drill Rigs Alexandria Marcotte - Osisko Mining ...
5 Earthy Facts to Celebrate World Soil Day

5 Earthy Facts to Celebrate World Soil Day

Did you know? “It takes at least 500 years to form one inch of topsoil.” Kathryn Dompierre, R&D Engineer, Seequent - ...
Do you trust your data? One geochemist’s quest for better data

Do you trust your data? One geochemist’s quest for better data

Dissolve a rock in acid and turn it into an aerosol (or shoot it with a laser), submit it to ...