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Are you new to working remotely with Leapfrog Geothermal?  

Are you new to working remotely with Leapfrog Geothermal?  

Here is the best practice for staying productive and connected Worried about data usage on your local network?  Leapfrog only requires an internet connection when
Drone View of a highway

Are you new to working remotely with Leapfrog Works?  

Here is the best practice for staying productive and connected Worried about data usage on your local network?  Leapfrog only requires an internet connection when
Are you new to working remotely with Oasis montaj?   

Are you new to working remotely with Oasis montaj?   

Here are the best practices for staying productive and connected. Worried about data usage on your local network? Oasis montaj only requires an internet connection when logging in or signing out. Therefore,
SLOPE/W Stability Analysis using 3D Seepage Results

SLOPE/W Stability Analysis using 3D Seepage Results

Seequent's Kathryn Dompierre covers the following topics in this webinar: steps for setting up a 3D seepage analysis in SEEP3D; how to create cross-sections in
/ GeoStudio, Videos
Mapping Metal Deposits in Canada

Mapping Metal Deposits in Canada

The Metal Earth project at Laurentian University has been granted $104 million by the Canadian government, to help find the next big deposit.
/ GM-SYS, Mining, Oasis montaj
How Seequent Central aids collaboration at Trilogy Metal’s Upper Kobuk Mineral Project

How Seequent Central aids collaboration at Trilogy Metal’s Upper Kobuk Mineral Project

The Upper Kobuk Mineral Project holds massive exploration potential. Junior mining company Trilogy Metals has introduced the Seequent Central model management platform to improve collaboration
How Leapfrog’s structural geology tools helped unravel the complex geology of Taseko’s Gibraltar Mine

How Leapfrog’s structural geology tools helped unravel the complex geology of Taseko’s Gibraltar Mine

When Structural Geologist, Chris Gallagher, broke his arm biking to work at the British Columbia Geological Survey, little did he know that it would eventually
Danger underground: Detecting UXO in our Backyards

Danger underground: Detecting UXO in our Backyards

When in doubt, you dig. That was the rule in the investigation of unexploded ordnance (UXO). Also known as Explosive Remnants of War (ERW), UXO