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Technical Tuesday: Integrating Geophysics into your 3D Model

Technical Tuesday: Integrating Geophysics into your 3D Model

With Seequent applications and cloud collaboration, geophysical data can be utilised effectively to improve your geological model. Interactive 2D filtering and VOXI modelling results can
/ Oasis montaj, PDAC, Videos
Getting started with Target

Getting started with Target

Welcome to Target, to start, you need to complete a few simple steps. Create your Seequent ID Your Seequent ID is your business email address
Build3D Quick Start Guide

Build3D Quick Start Guide

This tutorial guides new users through the basics of constructing 3D analysis-ready geometries using BUILD3D.
SIGMA/W Material Model Series: NorSand

SIGMA/W Material Model Series: NorSand

This webinar will introduce you to the NorSand material model and walk you through the parameterisation process using practical examples in GeoStudio. The NorSand constitutive
/ GeoStudio, Videos
How to convert RGB colour to HEX colour codes

How to convert RGB colour to HEX colour codes

Objective: I have colour codes imported as RGB numbers, how do I convert them to a HEX colour to be viewed in Leapfrog? Resolution: To
Connection with partners: Into the future

Connection with partners: Into the future

At our recent Lyceum 2020 virtual conference, we were fortunate to have a number of our partners talk about the industry questions and challenges that
/ Products & Solutions
Oasis montaj: how to improve your understanding of an exploration project with magnetic data

Oasis montaj: how to improve your understanding of an exploration project with magnetic data

Using open-source Geoscience data, we will illustrate how Oasis montaj can improve your understanding of an exploration project. This demonstartion will highlight some of the
/ Mining, Oasis montaj, PDAC, Videos
Technical Tuesday: Learn Kriging Neighbourhood Analysis with Leapfrog Edge

Technical Tuesday: Learn Kriging Neighbourhood Analysis with Leapfrog Edge

With Leapfrog Edge, KNA can be run on multiple parent blocks within a domain, improving the confidence of the global parameters you have chosen. It