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Products & Solutions

How to check current license check outs for Leapfrog using MySeequent

How to check current license check outs for Leapfrog using MySeequent

Objective: I need to check who currently has a license for Leapfrog checked out. Requirements You need to be an Administrator in your organization. Your
How To Export a Filtered Points Column using Leapfrog [Geo/Works/Energy]

How To Export a Filtered Points Column using Leapfrog [Geo/Works/Energy]

Objective: To export a column representing a filter created on a Points object in the November 2020 release of Leapfrog. Leapfrog Geo 6.0 Leapfrog Works
How to send a Central connected project without loosing the history

How to send a Central connected project without loosing the history

Objective: I need to send a project to support / external party and do not want to break the history of the project. Resolution: The
How to upload Leapfrog [Geo/Energy/Works] log files

How to upload Leapfrog [Geo/Energy/Works] log files

Objective: Workflow to download your Leapfrog [Geo/Energy/Works] Log files. Example images from Leapfrog 2021.2. Resolution: Open Leapfrog. Click on the Leapfrog menu and select About. In the About
How To Generate a Shell Around a Surface

How To Generate a Shell Around a Surface

Objective: To generate a shell around a specific surface to represent for example a fault zone. Geological Model faults in Leapfrog [Geo/Works/Geothermal] are represented as
How To Send a Leapfrog Project to the Support Team

How To Send a Leapfrog Project to the Support Team

Objective: To create a zipped copy of a Leapfrog project and send it through to the support team for troubleshooting. Resolution: There are two steps
How to Create contour(s) around a mesh

How to Create contour(s) around a mesh

Objective: Export a single or multiple contours from a mesh based on downstream requirements. Generally used for export purposes as the example below. Resolution: Single
How to include point data in cross-sections in Leapfrog

How to include point data in cross-sections in Leapfrog

Objective: I would like to include point data in my cross sections using Leapfrog. Resolution: Points can be evaluated on on a cross section directly