How To Generate a Shell Around a Surface
Objective: To generate a shell around a specific surface to represent for example a fault zone. Geological Model faults in Leapfrog [Geo/Works/Geothermal] are represented as
How To Send a Leapfrog Project to the Support Team
Objective: To create a zipped copy of a Leapfrog project and send it through to the support team for troubleshooting. Resolution: There are two steps
How to Create contour(s) around a mesh
Objective: Export a single or multiple contours from a mesh based on downstream requirements. Generally used for export purposes as the example below. Resolution: Single
How to include point data in cross-sections in Leapfrog
Objective: I would like to include point data in my cross sections using Leapfrog. Resolution: Points can be evaluated on on a cross section directly
How to use the task manager to get a memory dump from Leapfrog
Objective: To create a crash dump file for the Leapfrog application, which the support team may ask for in order to help diagnose an issue.
Euler: A classical beat that still reaches the depths of geophysics
This presentation demonstrates how UAV magnetic data is processed using Oasis montaj workflows
A central case study: Multi-disciplinary approach to managing big data for offshore windfarm development
This presentation explores strategic approaches for overcoming common challenges associated with modelling large multi-disciplinary datasets for offshore windfarm development.
Unconventional vein system modelling to reduce exploration risk and enhance borehole targeting
This presentation will explain how to import analogue data, digitise it using polylines and vein systems to create an accurate geological model, and show how