Kenya Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Survey brings crucial insights into mineral, groundwater and geothermal resources
The Kenya Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Survey (KNAGS) captured over three-million-line kilometres of magnetic, radiometric and in-line high density dGPS data to cover the entire Kenyan
OceanaGold pilots innovative digital response for managing the Waihi Tailings Storage Facility
In an industry striving for best practice in Tailings Storage Facility management, OceanaGold’s digital response to their Waihi operations offers a gold mine of information.
Rehearsing the hunt for water in the volcanic tuffs of Somotillo
To help the Living Water teams become shrewder and sharper well-hunters with Res2DInv, the organisation arranged a training session in Somotillo, Nicaragua. The aim was
When in doubt, follow the science, find the water
Seequent’s geophysical inversion software AGS Res2DInv has been the key to unlocking bigger, better water supplies for parched communities across the globe – even when
See what’s new in Oasis montaj 2023.2
We've prioritized speed and user experience in this release. Efficiently filter multiple grids simultaneously and run gridding in the background. Plus, with the added feature
Answer Hour | Understanding Pore Water Pressures & Seepage
GeoStudio’s SEEP/W and SEEP3D provide the ability to simulate 2D and 3D groundwater seepage associated with natural slopes, dams and levees, excavations and pits, pumping
See what’s new in AGS Workbench 6.9
The latest release of Workbench continues to improve the data processing and analysis experience with better processing tools, new TEM filters, clearer 3D visualisations, new
Hydrogeological Modelling using Leapfrog Works [Webinar Series]
In this two-part series, we will explore the latest tools and workflows to assist you in getting the most out of your Hydrogeological data. This