A quick guide to Time-Domain Electromagnetic VOXI inversion
Recent improvements in geophysical algorithms can pull more information out of new and historical electromagnetic datasets. Oasis montaj is a geoscience platform for processing, modelling,
How geoscience data can work harder to help juniors explore successfully
Invest your organisation’s exploration resources more effectively Find an easier way to reduce geological uncertainty within the mineral exploration process Explore large areas of land
Oasis montaj 9.10 – Release Highlights
We have listened to your feedback, improved performance and optimized workflows whilst streamlining extensions and adding more flexibility and interoperability. Experience a much more comprehensive,
What’s the Moon made of? NASA’s geologic map goes 3D
What would take NASA's geological map of the Moon to the next dimension? A geophysicist uses 3D modelling software to take on the challenge.
Validate your IP & Resistivity data more effectively in Oasis montaj 9.10
In the IP & Resistivity extension of Oasis montaj, you can now find more tools for enhancing visualisation of electrical data from IP surveys. Discover
Increased confidence in your Airborne Data with Oasis montaj 9.10
The Airborne Quality Control extension for Oasis montaj allows you to design and plan airborne Geophysical surveys. In addition, you may perform industry-standard quality control
New UX-Analyze menus for a more intuitive workflow
Our Advanced Geophysical Classification (AGC) workflow for unexploded ordnance (UXO) and explosive remnants of war (ERW), known as UX-Analyze, has been used by industry professional
Industry Best Practices for UXO detection and analysis
This webinar covers: - An overview of common challenges faced when trying to locate UXO - How to overcome these challenges, reduce time and costs,