Kenya Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Survey brings crucial insights into mineral, groundwater and geothermal resources
The Kenya Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Survey (KNAGS) captured over three-million-line kilometres of magnetic, radiometric and in-line high density dGPS data to cover the entire Kenyan

See what’s new in Oasis montaj 2023.2
We've prioritized speed and user experience in this release. Efficiently filter multiple grids simultaneously and run gridding in the background. Plus, with the added feature

Top 10 Oasis montaj UXO Marine Extension Tools
Oasis montaj’s UXO Marine extension allows geophysicists to locate unexploded ordnance (UXO), utilities and debris using marine magnetic and magnetic gradiometry data. In this webinar

See what’s new in Oasis montaj 2023.1
Efficiency and collaboration take centre stage in this release. Watch the video to see a demo of the new and improved features and learn how

Empowering Geothermal Exploration in Steptoe Valley: Uniting Geology, Geophysics and Innovative Software Solutions
Join Josh Sellars, Project Geophysicist at Seequent, as he masterfully constructs a 3D conceptual model of Steptoe Valley Basin in north-eastern Nevada, utilising public domain

Cornish Lithium sets a new standard for sustainable lithium extraction
Cornish Lithium’s innovative and sustainable approach to lithium extraction sets a new standard for more environmentally friendly lithium exploration. Hear how by creating 3D geological

Panel Discussion: How QC Drives Innovation in UXO Detection
This panel discussion, led by industry experts, delves into the latest innovations and challenges in UXO detection. Panellists discuss acceptable risk, the importance of quality,

Accelerating AGC Surveys with Dynamic Classification in Oasis montaj 2022.2’s UX-Analyze
Are you looking for a more efficient and effective way to conduct your Advanced Geophysical Classification (AGC) surveys? Look no further than the latest release