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Experience Imago in 15 minutes

Experience Imago in 15 minutes

Capturing, saving and accessing images of drill core/chips is essential – but the current processes need improvement! The industry has developed its own way of
/ Imago, Videos
Imago Demo Guide

Imago Demo Guide

This is a short guide to exploring the Imago image viewing tools in a web browser. There are no obligations or costs involved in using
/ How-To & Guides, Imago
What Imaging Station Shall I Build?

What Imaging Station Shall I Build?

The following information will help you decide what is the optimal imaging station to build. Your imaging requirements will be differ depending on whether you
/ How-To & Guides, Imago
Imaging Station Examples

Imaging Station Examples

Whether you decide to build a fixed imaging station or mobile imaging station, there are many ways to build an imaging station.  Here are some
/ How-To & Guides, Imago
Overview Of The Imago Split Shot

Overview Of The Imago Split Shot

Our friends at Dynamics G-Ex have produced the Split Shot: an affordable, easy to use, manual rig to capture high-quality photographs of your core when it is
/ How-To & Guides, Imago
Imago Handheld Rig

Imago Handheld Rig

The Imago handheld rig is a solution to capture consistent high-quality photographs on the field using Imago Mobile app.
/ How-To & Guides, Imago
Capture Better Drill Core Images: Crash Course on Manual Camera Settings

Capture Better Drill Core Images: Crash Course on Manual Camera Settings

Good core photographs produce an excellent record of the drill core, which is valuable for cross-referencing logged data. Auto mode on a camera produces decent
/ How-To & Guides, Imago
System Architecture and Firewall Requirements

System Architecture and Firewall Requirements

Imago uses a Microsoft Azure hosted web server to host and deliver its solution. Clients interact with the web server from: Desktop application such as
/ How-To & Guides, Imago