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Hydrogeological Modelling using Leapfrog Works [Webinar Series]

Hydrogeological Modelling using Leapfrog Works [Webinar Series]

In this two-part series, we will explore the latest tools and workflows to assist you in getting the most out of your Hydrogeological data. This
The South Dock Bridge London, England, United Kingdom

Arcadis leverages innovative digital solutions to design London’s South Dock Bridge

The bustling financial district of Canary Wharf in the United Kingdom will soon feature a brand-new pedestrian crossing set to become one of the busiest
Mastering SLOPE3D: Coupled 3D Stability and Seepage Analysis of a Heap Leach Pad

Mastering SLOPE3D: Coupled 3D Stability and Seepage Analysis of a Heap Leach Pad

Watch this webinar, which reviews the following: How to set up the 3D project geometry; Options for defining pore water pressures in SLOPE3D analyses; Procedure
/ Civil, GeoStudio, Mining, Videos
A photograph of a curved road on pillars along a mountainous coastline at sunset

Geotechnical Product Workflow

Seequent’s integrated portfolio of products enables geotechnical teams to unlock a cloud connected workflow spanning factual data, interpretive modelling and numerical analysis for better geotechnical
Seequent's Connected Geotechnical Workflow

Seequent’s Connected Geotechnical Workflow

In this webinar, our experts showcase how Leapfrog Works can foster collaboration within teams and organizations. You'll learn how to integrate your geological models with
A screenshot of a topographical 3D model within Seequent's SLOPE3D in their GeoStudio portfolio

Mastering SLOPE3D: Structurally Controlled Stability Analysis of an Open Pit

The following steps are demonstrated in this webinar: Dynamically connecting a GeoStudio project to a Leapfrog geological model via Seequent’s Central; Transforming the geological model
/ GeoStudio, Mining
Webinar Series: Technical Solutions For Linear Infrastructure Projects

Webinar Series: Technical Solutions For Linear Infrastructure Projects

Join our technical experts in this 3-part webinar series on topics from effectively utilising your site investigation data, to slope stability, through to informing design.
Dynamically Connected Workflow for a Stability Analysis of an Embankment Dam

Dynamically Connected Workflow for a Stability Analysis of an Embankment Dam

The Seequent portfolio offers a wide range of analysis options and features, providing you with the ability to assess the performance of dams, levees, and