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WSP tackle redesign to earthquake strengthen a 100-year-old retaining wall

WSP tackle redesign to earthquake strengthen a 100-year-old retaining wall

A black and white photo from the 1920s shows the steep challenge involved to construct the original Chaytor Street retaining wall, part of a main
Introduction & What's New in Target for ArcGIS Pro 2.4

Introduction & What’s New in Target for ArcGIS Pro 2.4

Easily import and visualise, then share your knowledge and make discoveries faster using the ArcGIS Pro tools you’re familiar with. An introduction of Target for
Contamination Extension for Leapfrog Works: Demonstration and Live Q&A

Contamination Extension for Leapfrog Works: Demonstration and Live Q&A

The webinar will cover: An introduction to the Contaminants Extension for Leapfrog Works. The Contaminants Extension Workflow – with a brief overview of: Data Preparation
Magnetic Surveying for anthropogenic objects: The theory

Magnetic Surveying for anthropogenic objects: The theory

The theory, data acquisition and data processing. The webinars are jointly delivered by Seequent and Geometrics. Search for man-made objects in the near surface has
Importing to BUILD3D: Import from CAD Sources

Importing to BUILD3D: Import from CAD Sources

This tutorial uses GeoStudio 2021.3 and will show you how to import 3D CAD files in the *.step, *.iges, *.dxf, *.dwg, and *.stl file formats.
/ Civil, GeoStudio, Videos
Welcoming a new era in Geothermal at WGC 2020+1

Welcoming a new era in Geothermal at WGC 2020+1

It is great to see that this week in Iceland over 1000 people are expected to be able to connect in-person at the World Geothermal
/ Energy, Leapfrog Energy
GeoStudio Core: Integrating SLOPE/W, SEEP/W, and SIGMA/W to solve more complex problems

GeoStudio Core: Integrating SLOPE/W, SEEP/W, and SIGMA/W to solve more complex problems

This video will take you through the step-by-step process of defining the analysis tree, materials, and geometry, followed by reviewing the results of an example
Model types for the inversion of TEM/FEM data in Aarhus Workbench

Model types for the inversion of TEM/FEM data in Aarhus Workbench

Most inversions are done with smooth models only, but often the resolution is good enough to sense more abrupt changes in the geology than the