Meet the Expert: Seequent Segment Director, Environment, Dr Thomas D. Krom
With over 30 years of experience, Thomas is dedicated to developing practical solutions for societies’ pressing environmental challenges.

Soluciones Geotécnicas de Seequent para Túneles – Parte 1 – Flujos de Trabajos digitales y Metodología BIM: Aplicaciones y Casos de Estudio
En este primer episodio de nuestra serie de dos webinars, exploraremos el portafolio de soluciones de Seequent para túneles. Aprenda a gestionar bases de datos

Integración métodos geofísicos para definir flancos de exploración mediante Leapfrog Geo, Región de Atacama, Chile
La presentación de Chilean Metals se basará en como Leapfrog Geo les ayudo a visualizar, interpolar e interpretar sus datos geofísicos de Polarización Inducida (IP),

Managing a ‘Digital Coreshed’ for your Cobalt-Nickel Deposit
Join Seequent's product specialists to understand how our market leading software suite can enable data collection, management, and modelling of a Cobalt-Nickel Deposit. Overview SpeakersMark

The strategic flow: Why water is the smart money in 2025
In 2025, the water sector is poised for significant movement, and it’s not just about environmental stewardship; it’s about strategic business advantage.

Mining: Structural geology innovation with Teck Resources reduces risks, boosts optimisation
Advancements in technology are revolutionising mining operations, enabling businesses to analyse large datasets quickly and effectively.

Three mining industry trends to watch for in 2025
With as much clarity as can be mustered, here are three trends we’re likely to see emerge or surge in mining in 2025.

Real-time resource estimation: Boosting production efficiency with Leapfrog Edge
Leapfrog Edge is a module that extends Leapfrog's dynamic workflow, offering built-in tools for comprehensive resource estimation and validation directly within the software. Join Lee