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The joy of modelling practical deep excavations in soft clay using SIGMA/W

The joy of modelling practical deep excavations in soft clay using SIGMA/W

Deep excavation in Singapore is challenging as the local geology consists of a thick layer of soft clay with occasional lenses of sand and peaty/organic
/ Civil, Lyceum, Videos
How can software suppliers support best practice for uncertainty in engineering geology

How can software suppliers support best practice for uncertainty in engineering geology

Discover ways that software suppliers can support best practise for uncertainty in engineering geology. Is there a silver bullet solution?
/ Civil, Lyceum, Videos
How Leapfrog Works helped understand and communicate ground conditions for the proposed Crossrail 2 railway

How Leapfrog Works helped understand and communicate ground conditions for the proposed Crossrail 2 railway

Major infrastructure projects need an ongoing understanding of ground and ground water conditions to hone engineering decisions. Dynamic 3D ground modelling solution, Leapfrog Works, helped
Making the digital shift: How teams can collaborate remotely

Making the digital shift: How teams can collaborate remotely

Remote work is hardly new for industries like exploration and energy. But over the last five years, the number of people working away from the
Rapid Drawdown Analysis with SLOPE/W and SEEP/W

Rapid Drawdown Analysis with SLOPE/W and SEEP/W

Seequent's Kathryn Dompierre considers the following material in this webinar: creation of transient SEEP/W analyses to simulate pore water pressures within a dam given both
Seequent Solutions for Dam Modeling and Monitoring

Seequent Solutions for Dam Modeling and Monitoring

This webinar covers: • Seequent company overview • Dam project case study using Seequent solutions • Demonstration in Leapfrog of the dam project • Sharing
Introducing Seequent’s Contaminants extension

Introducing Seequent’s Contaminants extension

The extension is an intuitive and easy to learn solution to help you characterise land and groundwater contaminant plumes right inside your Leapfrog project. In
Importing Regions from AutoCAD

Importing Regions from AutoCAD

Seequent's Kathryn Dompierre covers the following material in this webinar: what geometry types can be imported into GeoStudio; methods for creating well-defined polyline geometry in