Facilitating groundwater flow and solute transport modelling with Leapfrog Works
This webinar recording will showcase the relationship between geological models, groundwater flow and solute transport modelling. Learn how to create, edit and export a MODFLOW
Mastering 3D Analysis: Working with Imported Geometry in BUILD3D
There are various options available for geometry creation, including importing geology or topography from external sources, including Leapfrog geological models through Seequent Central. This video
Using the Channel Math Tool to QC geophysical datasets in Oasis Montaj
In this video we show how the user can use the Channel Math tool to calculate sample separation, velocity and heading for the purposes of
Survey Coverage tool in the UXO marine extension
Using the sensor footprint at the seafloor, and the sensor altitude, easily determine what percent of the survey area has been surveyed and visualise this
Building cities for the future
“There is absolutely and utterly no point in delivering or developing a city that does not match the needs of the people who need it.”
Eric Bugeja, buildingSMART Discusses IFC Interoperability with Pat McLarin, Seequent
In this interview, Pat McLarin, Civil Segment Director at Seequent interviews Eric Bugeja, Chairman, Australasia at buildingSMART to discuss the new initiatives designed to improve
Leapfrog Works Refresher
New to Leapfrog Works or wanting to refresh on the basics? Join us in this instructor-led session to help you get going with Leapfrog. The
GeoStudio 2021.4 Feature Highlight: SIGMA/W Material Models
The capabilities of our last two releases of the newly reformulated SIGMA/W stress-strain analyses have been improved further with the expansion of our material model