The Dallas Cowboys Stadium design challenge remastered in PLAXIS
Home to the planet's most famous football team this iconic, modern-day coliseum is both an architectural and a geotechnical marvel. Dr Gregory and the review

How a better understanding of ground conditions helps tackle risk
This article was first published in the 2023 March edition of Infrastructure Magazine Australia. What are the leading causes of delays, disputes, and major claims

Revolutionising Geotechnical Engineering: Seequent and Bentley Joined Forces
This article was first published in the March 2023 edition of Geotechnik Magazine, Germany A Partnership to Empower and Support Geotechnical Engineers Geotechnical engineering is

How Seequent and Bentley are working together to support the global civil sector
Seequent is The Bentley Subsurface Company, and together we are working to empower and support geotechnical engineers with the tools they need to succeed. Our

Rigorous analysis is rarely more important than when transportation projects dive deep underground
A 3D digital environment is the ideal place to scrutinise your tunneling and excavation plans, and combine the technical disciplines and data types required for

Making your data count, from day one to year 100
How can transportation owner operators transform a mass of project data into an enduring resource for a lengthy and successful whole life operation? Penny Swords

From reliable to resilient. Can a shift in thinking help extend the safe life of transportation assets?
All around the world, legacy transportation infrastructure is showing the strain of age, but still has to keep running – reliably and safely. Can owner

To successfully build any transportation project, you must first build understanding
Communicating insights with stakeholders is crucial in any infrastructure enterprise, but transportation schemes have an extra layer of complexity to cope with. Janina Elliott Global