Pore-Air Entrapment during Infiltration
Introduction Infiltration into the vadose zone is typically studied under conditions that do not consider pore-air entrapment. Pore-air generally does not impede infiltration rates or
Eurocode design using SLOPE/W
Introduction SLOPE/W can be used to complete a stability analysis with the objective being to check an ultimate limit state in accordance with various limit
Blast Vibrations
Introduction QUAKE/W is designed and implemented primarily for analyzing the effects of earthquakes on earth structures. The same implementation can also be used to investigate
Relief Well Spacing Analysis
Introduction Elevated pore-water pressures or artesian conditions can develop on the landward side of water retention dams or levees. Typically, this occurs when the embankment
Newmark Deformation Analysis
Introduction This example demonstrates how the results of a QUAKE/W analysis can be used in conjunction with SLOPE/W to estimate the permanent deformations that may
Excavation below a Water Table
Introduction This example is about making an excavation below the water table. The prime objective is to look at the change in pore-water pressures and
Effects of Salt Concentration on Water Flow
Introduction SEEP/W simulates water transfer in response to spatial variability in elastic and gravitational potential energies. Density-driven flow, also known as free-convection, can be simulated
Soil Structure Interaction
Introduction The response of the ground can be influenced by the rigidity of a structure. Stated conversely, the presence of a stiff structure could possibly