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How-To & Guides

What's New in Leapfrog Geo 6.0

What’s New in Leapfrog Geo 6.0

Visit MySeequent to download: 0:00 - Introduction to new features 0:56 - New user interface 1:21 - Drillhole data performance improvements 1:51 - Calculated
/ How-To & Guides, Videos
What's New in Leapfrog Edge 4.0

What’s New in Leapfrog Edge 4.0

Built on a powerful new code base, this milestone release provides up to 25% faster overall processing times. Experience faster drillhole loading, new efficiency boosting
/ How-To & Guides, Videos
What's New in Leapfrog Geothermal 5.0

What’s New in Leapfrog Geothermal 5.0

Built on a powerful new code base, this milestone release provides up to 25% faster overall processing times. Experience faster drillhole loading, new efficiency boosting
/ How-To & Guides, Videos
Leapfrog Subscription Administration

Leapfrog Subscription Administration

What can a Subscription Administrator do in MySeequent? View all active subscriptions in the organization. View details of the subscription including seats or components, expiry
DHI Consultants Present: Transforming project outcomes using Leapfrog and FEFLOW simulation for groundwater flow models

DHI Consultants Present: Transforming project outcomes using Leapfrog and FEFLOW simulation for groundwater flow models

With thirteen years’ experience as a hydrogeologist involved in a variety of hydrogeological, geotechnical and geothermal projects in Germany, Peru and Western Australia, Ferdinand will
Starting with Leapfrog Works 4.0

Starting with Leapfrog Works 4.0

Here is the outline for the session: 0:00 - Options for getting started – trial or company subscription 0:17 - Registering for a Seequent ID
/ How-To & Guides, Videos
Technical Tuesday: From Face Map to 3D Model - A Fully Digital Workflow

Technical Tuesday: From Face Map to 3D Model – A Fully Digital Workflow

On the last Tuesday of every month, our in-house Seequent experts present tips and tricks to help you bring out the best in our software.
A brand new Leapfrog – The Backstage Tour

A brand new Leapfrog – The Backstage Tour

Our latest version of Leapfrog looks a lot different, but what you see is only the front cover of a massive redevelopment story that has truly
/ How-To & Guides, Whats new