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Best Practice

Technical Tuesday: From Face Map to 3D Model - A Fully Digital Workflow

Technical Tuesday: From Face Map to 3D Model – A Fully Digital Workflow

On the last Tuesday of every month, our in-house Seequent experts present tips and tricks to help you bring out the best in our software.
Leapfrog Geo vein modelling best practices

Leapfrog Geo vein modelling best practices

This session takes a deeper look at how Leapfrog Geo constructs a vein system in order to build upon and provide a better understanding of
Data Management: Mx Deposit Demonstration

Data Management: Mx Deposit Demonstration

Learn about drilling and sampling workflows in MX Deposit, a cloud-hosted web application
Technical Tuesday: Introducing the Contaminants Extension for Leapfrog Works

Technical Tuesday: Introducing the Contaminants Extension for Leapfrog Works

Whether you are investigating landfill leachate, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in soils, or any other contaminants in the subsurface, the workflows will help you in
How to elevate your magnetic data in Oasis montaj

How to elevate your magnetic data in Oasis montaj

Using open-source Geoscience data, we will illustrate how Oasis montaj can improve your understanding of magnetic data. This webinar will highlight some of the magnetic
Oasis montaj: Building and Managing 2D Models in GM-SYS

Oasis montaj: Building and Managing 2D Models in GM-SYS

The GM-SYS extensions are trusted by international government surveys and the exploration programs of the world’s most successful energy companies. The webinar covers:• Methods for building
Technical Tuesday: Branch out your Collaboration with Central

Technical Tuesday: Branch out your Collaboration with Central

During this technical session, you will be taken through the full breadth of functionality available with Seequent Central. Learn best practice in Central's use of:
Technical Tuesdays: Exploration workflows in Target for ArcGIS Pro

Technical Tuesdays: Exploration workflows in Target for ArcGIS Pro

Seequent's Technical Analyst, Lee Steven, will demonstrate how to: Import, visualize and interpret drilling data from standard industry data sources or generic formats View drillhole