Capture, Catalogue, Connect and Learn: Maximising value from geological imagery – Imago Roundtable
Lyceum 2021 | Together Towards TomorrowThe topics covered will include the application of machine learning to extract value from geoscientific imagery and other relevant practices.

Euler: A classical beat that still reaches the depths of geophysics
This presentation demonstrates how UAV magnetic data is processed using Oasis montaj workflows

A central case study: Multi-disciplinary approach to managing big data for offshore windfarm development
This presentation explores strategic approaches for overcoming common challenges associated with modelling large multi-disciplinary datasets for offshore windfarm development.

Using Indicator Kriging to quantify sub surface risk in the design of monopiles for offshore wind turbines
This project uses borehole data from an offshore windfarm and during the session we will go through the steps to create an Indicator Kriged block

Unconventional vein system modelling to reduce exploration risk and enhance borehole targeting
This presentation will explain how to import analogue data, digitise it using polylines and vein systems to create an accurate geological model, and show how

Three Successful workflows to use when incorporating borehole data from OpenGround into Leapfrog Works
Attendees will discover techniques to use Leapfrog Works to visualise and understand all the data within the borehole.

Implicit structural modelling and domaining of intensely sheared and foliated basement complex at Lumwana Mine, Zambia
Which was carefully interpreted in Leapfrog Geo to create a series of block-faulted ductile, tectono-stratigraphic domains and internal structural form interpolants that encompass an intensely

Stabilising mine production with end-to-end material tracking
Discover how to take a whole-system approach to the mine value chain and bring decision-making into focus with proactive and dynamic influence characteristics.