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Geoscience is evolvingDiscover how geoscience professionals are overcoming obstacles in mining, energy, civil engineering, and environmental industries with technology and innovation.

Where the uncertain subsurface meets surface infrastructure

Where the uncertain subsurface meets surface infrastructure

Recent engineering accidents and natural disasters have highlighted across many industries the need for better interaction between subsurface and surface information to create more resilient
/ Civil, Lyceum, Mining, Videos
Water: A shared responsibility

Water: A shared responsibility

Water use is growing globally at more than twice the rate of population increase in the last century, and an increasing number of regions are
/ Environmental, Lyceum, Videos
Implementation of streamlined data collection and viewing in early-stage exploration projects

Implementation of streamlined data collection and viewing in early-stage exploration projects

This session will showcase an implementation of MX deposit, Imago, Leapfrog Geo and Central on a 50,000m historic drilling data set, implementing data capture and
A panel discussion on how exploration geoscientists are informing geological models with iterative geophysical modelling

A panel discussion on how exploration geoscientists are informing geological models with iterative geophysical modelling

This panel brings together industry experts to discuss using geology to better refine geophysical models (and vice versa) to build more informed subsurface interpretations.
/ Lyceum, Mining, Videos
Real world examples of how collaboration in a connected world is bringing data to decisions

Real world examples of how collaboration in a connected world is bringing data to decisions

This presentation is a snapshot of how digital technologies are bringing data to decisions in real-time, across global exploration projects.
A BIM-based Ground Information Management (GIM) framework to manage ground risk for construction projects

A BIM-based Ground Information Management (GIM) framework to manage ground risk for construction projects

Infrastructure design and construction in Hong Kong typically adopt a project-based process that is highly siloed and labour intensive.
/ Civil, Lyceum, Videos
Using Leapfrog Geo and Edge to systematise internal resource estimation reviews at SolGold’s Cascabel Project

Using Leapfrog Geo and Edge to systematise internal resource estimation reviews at SolGold’s Cascabel Project

Learn how the Solgold Australia PLC site team in Ecuador is working to understand the porphyry systems at Cascabel (Alpala Project) using a combination of
Collaborative geological modelling using Seequent Central

Collaborative geological modelling using Seequent Central

This session will present the Gold Fields Granny Smith Mine geology team’s journey in Seequent Central, from trial to implementation during 2020.