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Geoscience is evolvingDiscover how geoscience professionals are overcoming obstacles in mining, energy, civil engineering, and environmental industries with technology and innovation.

How to import a sub-block model into Geo+Edge, with and without domain wireframes

How to import a sub-block model into Geo+Edge, with and without domain wireframes

Objective: The requirement of importing block models into Leapfrog Geo enables the user to visualise and interrogate block models made externally to the project. Whilst
How to check current license check outs for Leapfrog using MySeequent

How to check current license check outs for Leapfrog using MySeequent

Objective: I need to check who currently has a license for Leapfrog checked out. Requirements You need to be an Administrator in your organization. Your
How To Export a Filtered Points Column using Leapfrog [Geo/Works/Energy]

How To Export a Filtered Points Column using Leapfrog [Geo/Works/Energy]

Objective: To export a column representing a filter created on a Points object in the November 2020 release of Leapfrog. Leapfrog Geo 6.0 Leapfrog Works
How to send a Central connected project without loosing the history

How to send a Central connected project without loosing the history

Objective: I need to send a project to support / external party and do not want to break the history of the project. Resolution: The
How to upload Leapfrog [Geo/Energy/Works] log files

How to upload Leapfrog [Geo/Energy/Works] log files

Objective: Workflow to download your Leapfrog [Geo/Energy/Works] Log files. Example images from Leapfrog 2021.2. Resolution: Open Leapfrog. Click on the Leapfrog menu and select About. In the About
How To Generate a Shell Around a Surface

How To Generate a Shell Around a Surface

Objective: To generate a shell around a specific surface to represent for example a fault zone. Geological Model faults in Leapfrog [Geo/Works/Geothermal] are represented as
How To Send a Leapfrog Project to the Support Team

How To Send a Leapfrog Project to the Support Team

Objective: To create a zipped copy of a Leapfrog project and send it through to the support team for troubleshooting. Resolution: There are two steps
How to Create contour(s) around a mesh

How to Create contour(s) around a mesh

Objective: Export a single or multiple contours from a mesh based on downstream requirements. Generally used for export purposes as the example below. Resolution: Single