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Explore 2D, 3D and SEGY Data Import with Leapfrog Energy 2021.2

Explore 2D, 3D and SEGY Data Import with Leapfrog Energy 2021.2

In the latest version of Leapfrog Energy, 2021.2, we're doubling down on interoperability and updated 2D, 3D and SEG-Y data import capabilities. In this video,
See PETREL™ well deviation data import, and learn how to create a reservoir simulation model and export in ECLIPSE™ or CMG™ format.

See PETREL™ well deviation data import, and learn how to create a reservoir simulation model and export in ECLIPSE™ or CMG™ format.

We are excited to announce that in our latest release of Leapfrog, it supports the creation and population of both ECLIPSE™ and CMG™ reservoir simulation
Geothermal in Africa header

How one university uses Oasis montaj to find geothermal energy for Africa

Calistus Ramotoroko explores geothermal potential deep beneath the Kasane hot springs in Botswana, Africa. Geothermal exploration is on the rise in Africa as the continent
Aarhus Workbench 6.6: Redesigned TEM Auto Processing Tool

Aarhus Workbench 6.6: Redesigned TEM Auto Processing Tool

Suppress couplings and background noise and reduce model uncertainty with the TEM auto processing tool. Overview   SpeakersToke Højbjerg Søltoft Aarhus GeoSoftware DirectorDuration13 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 Video
Aarhus Workbench 6.6: New data visualisation capabilities with “Views”

Aarhus Workbench 6.6: New data visualisation capabilities with “Views”

Views is a flexible, visual tool for processing and visualization of all EM and streamed ERT data in Workbench. Depending on your workflow and what
How SEP Hydrographic uses Oasis montaj to protect offshore wind farms from UXO threats

How SEP Hydrographic uses Oasis montaj to protect offshore wind farms from UXO threats

Offshore UXO can be an unpleasant surprise and a major headache for UK wind farm construction. SEP Hydrographic have been using Oasis montaj and UXO

Mollusks, levies, and earthquakes: A map of Mississippi’s aquifers answers unexpected questions

One of the largest groundwater surveys in the USA is also answering unexpected questions about infrastructure, habitats, and some yet to be asked.
New Features in Leapfrog Works 2021.2

New Features in Leapfrog Works 2021.2

We’re paving the way for better movement of data and helping facilitate work across multidisciplinary teams. Join technical experts, Fiamma Giovacchini and Sean Buchanan, as
/ Civil, Leapfrog Works, Videos