After purchasing a new subscription to MX Deposit and before you start logging drill holes and points there is a process that you have to go through that we call “Onboarding”. This is where MX Deposit is configured to meet your data capture and management needs and also where you and your team are trained to get the most out of the system. We are here to help you through this and you will be guided along this path. This is included at no additional charge with your subscription and includes configuration of the following items within your new MX Deposit instance:
- One Project
- One Activity
- One Sample Analysis Workflow
- All lists, tables, control materials (QAQC), sample types, grids and validation rules associated with the above mentioned items
*Assistance with the creation of additional configuration for Projects, Activities and Sample Analysis Workflows can be included as part of the onboarding process for an additional cost.
When onboarding is complete, you will be able to fully log a drill hole or point sample, import assay results and validate QAQC related to those assays.