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Res2DInv release notes

Res2DInv 2025.1

This release continues to shorten the path to interpretation with new and improved features. These include better borehole data integration, more keyboard shortcuts, and tools to identify outliers and disperse data with coincident focus points. These updates improve subsurface model accuracy, simplify borehole data processing, and help users analyse their survey data more efficiently.

With Res2DInv 2025.1, you can:

  • Process and invert borehole data, including single boreholes, cross-boreholes, and surface-borehole combinations.
  • Use the “Load Settings” option for borehole data to determine the focus point positions using a geometric median or arithmetic average algorithm.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts ‘q’/’a’ to disable/enable selected data points on the Result/Model tab.
  • Access additional info in the log when loading the dataset, including resistivity and IP averages.
  • Export contoured model results truncated with a trapezoidal polygon to Geosoft grids, with the filename containing a ‘_trapezoidal’ postfix.
Read the release notes to learn more.